
Has anyone looked into the need for various immunizations--Hepatitis A, Typhoid,etc ??



  • We took this tour three years ago and went to a travel doctor. They recommended the shots so we got all of them, hep, typhoid, yellow fever. Knew we'd be going to Africa, so needed them for that tour also.
  • Nanna-9 wrote:
    Has anyone looked into the need for various immunizations--Hepatitis A, Typhoid,etc ??

    Hi C.K. My friend and I are going next week! We both got Hep A and Typhoid as per our doctor's recommendation as well as the CDC.
  • Nanna-9 wrote:
    Has anyone looked into the need for various immunizations--Hepatitis A, Typhoid,etc ??


    Yes, my wife and I did Hep A/B; shots for Typhoid rather than pills; will take the malaria pills just before leaving in Jan/during the trip and after our return in Feb 2018. Will not take Yellow fever immunization.

  • I went to a travel clinic and the doctor recommended hep A but did not think typhoid was necessary based on our itinerary and the type of trip this is. Local pharmacist said he generally gives typhoid shot or pills to people going on mission trips or to those who will be living in local homes. Got the hep A shot but are thinking No on the other. Tour begins 2/9.
  • RE vaccinations....we did Hep A and B when we went to South Africa last spring with Tauck. Did not take malaria meds and had no problems. We are not taking any other vaccinations for our South America trip. Agree, the areas we will be visiting should be fine. Also in my reading, learned that if you've never taken some of those vaccinations before, you can get a reaction. We are on the January 23rd tour. Anyone else?
  • edited December 2017
    See my post (#4) in the "Confused about meds . . . ." thread.
  • The Yellow Fever immunization is strongly recommended by the CDC. Brazil may or may not require a vaccination certificate upon entry. One website said they were requiring it for entry if you had been in other South American countries (e.g. Argentina). What their policy will be when we travel (Oct 19) is unknown at this time.

    We have gotten the vaccine but had to jump through hoops to do it. First the FDA approved vaccine won't be available until the end of 2018. In the interim an alternative, Stamaril, has been approved for limited distribution. Go to the CDC website and plug in Stamaril for a list of clinics. I believe there are only 250 nationwide. Finally found a clinic 100 miles from home.

    Next hurdle, if you are over 59 you will likely need a doctor's prescription to get the shot. If you have certain medical conditions or are on particular medications, the shot may not be advisable.

    Don't wait to address this issue.
  • Check the CDC website.

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