Wonderful, wonderful tour, great guide. She promised me she would find marble chips for my Christmas gift to my grandson who is interested in geology and rocks of a region and she delivered! Sadly, my husband discarded her mailing address so I am hoping that Tauck will see this and tell her thank you from the bottom of my heart for remembering my request. They arrived safely and I cannot wait to see the little guy's reaction when he opens his present of precious rocks!
In the process of planning our next Tauck tour! Great company, great service, totally organized, taking away all the stress of traveling and leaving only the relaxing part of traveling to enjoy! Thank you to our guide for all of her hard work and planning.


  • Sarah P: Another thought is to to try to reach out to her is by contacting one of the wonderful Customer Service reps at Tauck in CT. TDs go out of their way to assist travelers.
  • edited November 2017
    SarahP wrote:
    Wonderful, wonderful tour, great guide. She promised me she would find marble chips for my Christmas gift to my grandson who is interested in geology and rocks of a region and she delivered! Sadly, my husband discarded her mailing address so I am hoping that Tauck will see this and tell her thank you from the bottom of my heart for remembering my request. They arrived safely and I cannot wait to see the little guy's reaction when he opens his present of precious rocks!
    In the process of planning our next Tauck tour! Great company, great service, totally organized, taking away all the stress of traveling and leaving only the relaxing part of traveling to enjoy! Thank you to our guide for all of her hard work and planning.

    Try to contact your TD by email. Use this format: where F=First initial and Lxxxxx = last name. The company email address of at least 5 of our previous TDs follows this format. Give it a try, won't hurt. It may take a few days to a week or more to receive a reply, depending if they are currently leading a tour, celebrating Thanksgiving, etc. I have exchanged emails with a number of our TDs.

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