Essence of S.America-Mar. 23

My friend broke her arm and will not be able to join me on the trip. Flying from Miami to Santiago on March 22 on American Airlines. Originally from LI, NY--any singles traveling on the March 23rd trip? The question is: Should I go alone? My husband passed last summer.


  • ungerunger,
    Sorry to hear about your husband. We did this tour and had at least four or five single ladies traveling solo. We always included everyone. It was very easy for singles on this tour. Dining was usually in groups. Do it. You'll love the tour.
  • Yes, I am traveling by myself. I feel that being part of a travel group is safer than just going it alone. Also, I have been on two other trips with Tauck (though not alone) and am impressed at how they take care of all the details of traveling so you don't have to worry.
  • we had a number of solos on our tour a year ago and most meals are in groups, there is always rotation on the bus, and you'll not lack for company!
  • I have traveled by myself for a number of years since my husband passed away. Usually the groups are bigger, however I have never had a problem. I do not mind having dinner by myself on occasion, however I have been often invited to join others, and occasionally I will ask a single or a couple to have dinner with me. I am not on this trip, I am signed up for an October tour.
  • My husband & I are traveling on this tour, October 5, 2018. We will be happy to meet you. This will be our 16th trip with Tauck.
  • deekay wrote:
    My husband & I are traveling on this tour, October 5, 2018. We will be happy to meet you. This will be our 16th trip with Tauck.

    Old thread. ungerunger took this trip last March.

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