Essence of South America

My husband and I are on the February 20th Essence of South America tour. We will be arriving on the 19th...a day early. We are interested in touring Valparaiso area on the 20th, and returning to the hotel in time for the welcome dinner. There are several private tours to Valparaiso we might choose to use. Anyone on the February 20th tour who would like to join us that day? We are Ellen and Rafe from Atlanta.


  • Hi, we are on the February 9th tour and were unsuccessful in finding a couple to share the tour with us. The Ritz Carlton will provide a tour for you; the cost is about $400 for the tour up to 6 people. We decided to take a Viator private tour (TG2-$230 for 2 people). This is a shorten tour as we also want to be back for the reception.
  • harvb - Would appreciate feedback on that day trip after it's over. Looking into a similar tour and bumping into the reception start time. TIA.
  • BKMD, will send you a review. When does your tour start?
  • 12/21. Never too early to start planning :-)

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