Extra Days in London

At the conclusion of our trip in May 2018 , we are staying in London for a couple of extra days. I would like a recommendation for a reliable way to purchase theater tickets in advance. Is there a safe website that you would recommend? Any other recommendations are also welcome, such as a "not to be missed" sight or museum. We have previously visited the War Rooms.


  • edited February 2018
    Yes, Westendtheatre.com, i’m on their mailing list and get offers. My most recent one was for tickets to see Ian McKellan in King Lear for as low as 32 pounds but that show does not start until July. It’s so much cheaper to see theatre in London than New York. When I was last in London I saw two shows, one was 19 pounds, the other not much more. In April we are going to see Hamilton in London, best seats only 200 pounds, much cheaper than we paid in New York. We are huge theatre goers, averaging about 30 or more shows a year. We should be able to get tickets for other shows easily in April, you can walk into the theatres during the day to buy tickets, or the hotel Concierge will help you on the day too.
  • We have used Lashmars.com on several occasions when tickets were unavailable from the venue. They met our needs especially when we had only one or two specific dates we could attend.
  • These ideas may be way too obvious, or you may have already seen them. But... Westminster Abbey—even if you have already been there, go in the late afternoon for Evensong when the abbey is closed to visitors. Is is an entirely different experience to be there when it is quiet and dark with no crowds. You sit in the great choir where the queen sits when she is there. It is a holy experience.
    Windsor Castle...I liked it a lot more than Hampton Court. Parliament. The Tower of London, maybe at night for the changing of the keys...Portobello Road for antiques shopping. The silver vaults.
    Have a wonderful time.
  • I haven’t looked at the Tauck itinerary, but would say Hyde Park - all of it, especially Kensington Gardens, Natural History Museum - they have the Rosetta Stone, the Tate, Victoria & Albert Museum, Harrods, especially the food section - be sure to pick up some of their English Breakfast tea. It’s world renowned. The Tower of London can be so much fun too. I second Portobello Road.
  • All good ideas here.

    Additionally, if you can find a theater still showing it, go see "The Darkest Hour" then go to the Churchill War Rooms in London. They are just a few blocks from Westminster. Also, the London Eye. I second Portobello Road/Notting Hill, especially on Saturday when they have the humongous sidewalk market. You can literally spend a whole day or more in the British Museum- if you don't want to dedicate a full day, they have handouts listing the top "XX" things to see if you only have 2 hours, 4 hours, etc. There is just so much to see in London!

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