Grand Australia and New Zeeland

Anyone going on the September 2nd 2018 tour. We are flying out of LA and arriving a day early and wondering about excursions in Melbourne. Were supposed to meet up with friends, but the wife passed away.


  • Your tour is Melbourne focused, so I suggest you look at a day tour to the Great Ocean road. Leaves the city at 7am and returns 9pm and costs $105. You would then have a view of other parts of Victoria. Alternatively, you could consider a tour to Phillip Island for the day. I will be visiting Melbourne in March and am currently looking at tours to do during that time under my own arrangements.

    See the website:
  • John, which company did you use for the Great Ocean Rd. tour? How far in advance did you book the tour?
  • John, are you doing a Tauck tour in March?
  • anyone do the train in Melbourne?
  • Do you mean the tram ride thru the city? If so, yes, it used part of the tour and included a dinner on the tram. We thought it was fine but it was not popular so it was taken off the tour. We also took the tram through the city and enjoyed talking to some locals on it before the Tauck tour began. There is also a train station right near the hotel in Melbourne.
  • anyone do the train in Melbourne?

    If you mean the dinner train, plan to book that way before you leave. We tried to book the week before our Feb 28 arrival for the March 5 tour, but it was sold out for the entire week.
  • We used for tours to both Great Ocean Road and Phillip Island before our tour started. Highly recommend them. We did Moonlit Sanctuary instead of Koala Conservation and were very happy that we did.
  • MCD wrote:
    John, which company did you use for the Great Ocean Rd. tour? How far in advance did you book the tour?

    AAT Kings. This visit to Melbourne was not part of a Tauck tour. Apologies for the delayed response. Have been travelling in Europe a lot (2 trips), so was not looking at the forum to see your enquiry.
  • Thanks, John. That's the company that I wound up using (through Viator). Lucky you -- two trips to Europe this year!

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