
My plan is to take my suitcase and a small carry-on bag that will fit under the seat on the plane. This bag is great for traveling, but I am not sure that I will want to carry it with me when I am out and about seeing things with the group. Since it is small, can I leave it on the bus or will Tauck allow me to check it with my other suitcase?

It would be great if we could leave a bag on the bus, as our trip is the first week of June and the mornings will be cool and get warmer as the day goes on. I didn't want to carry my jacket/umbrella whatever all day if not needed.


  • In general yes you can leave items on the bus during the day. Usually the driver stays with it so you don't need to worry about theft.

    However, depending on the size of your bag and how many travelers are on your tour, you may have trouble finding a place to put it when the bus is in motion. All the Tauck buses I've been on only have a shallow shelf above your head and no space under the seat (they have foot rests). If the bus isn't full you may be able to stow it on a back seat.

    On our last bus trip, during the day I had a very small backpack for essentials (Travelon Anti-Theft Classic Lite Sling) and a cloth tote bag. The tote held things like rain jacket, umbrella etc for just in case. It easily fit on the shelf.
  • I am taking the Mythic West tour later this year. I have been to the area before and be assured yours is also a casual tour. You don’t need that many clothes All you need is a medium size suitcase and a small day backpack that you can also use as carry on. In that you can fit a spare set of clothes, all your electronics and camera etc for the plane and then just the things you need for the day in it for the rest of the time. That is how we do things wherever we travel. The tour is also only nine days. If the bus is full there may not be enough room for your bag at the back of the bus. On our most recent tour Tauck clearly said wheeled bags were not suitable for the bus, but some people brought them and they would not fit above the seat. There is not much room at your feet and if it is a long traveling day on the bus you will be uncomfortable with a bag there. I have never known the tour guide say that we could not leave anything on the bus while out for the day

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