Amstedam to Budapest cruise starting 5/5/18

Mary Jo and I (Bob), from St Louis, are on this cruise, hoping water levels are good.


  • We would be curious to know about the water levels also. We are from OKC and can't wait!
  • I’m Vince from Tampa,FL traveling solo on my 4th river cruise: Paris to Normandy, Winter Markets, Elbe. Happy to be leaving Florida in August!
  • Here's a link to a river cruising website that tracks water levels.

    It doesn't necessarily tell you if it's affecting river cruising, but gives you a peek at the situation.
  • We took this trip back in August 2016 and had to be bussed from one port to the next in one spot because of high water but were able to board the boat again that night because the water level had dropped enough for our boat to catch up with us.
    Nice bus and we made it in time for our explorations no problem. No real inconvenience and we knew ahead of time that might happen so didn't bother us at all.
    TAUCK has had plenty of experience handling these types of things and they do it very well.
  • blankb1 wrote:
    Mary Jo and I (Bob), from St Louis, are on this cruise, hoping water levels are good.

    Hi! Gail and Phil from Plano, TX. We are very excited for this cruise and also hope water levels are good. Looking forward to meeting new friends!
  • Finishing up Blue Danube and Flying home from Budapest tomorrow. Water levels on the Danube are fine.

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