April small group

My wife and I are on Paradors in April. Will be in Barcelona early. Might you also be on this trip. Looking forward to a great time.


  • Which date?
  • We (Dave & Marie, from San Diego) will be on the 27April start in Barcelona. We will arrive 1 day early & are anticipating a wonderful trip!
  • Hello~ we're three weeks behind you and have Barcelona start of 5/12. We're doing day trips outside of Barcelona in advance because we arrive several days ahead. Going to the Medieval Villages and Tarragona. Evening flamenco guitar Concert in the Basilica. On prior trip we took a half day Spanish Civil War Walking Tour that was wonderful. Check out the tile Museum if you like that sort of thing. Several museums are closed on Mondays, so schedule accordingly if you like Picasso and Miro. If you have any tips to share when you return and before we go, would appreciate them! Have a wonderful time!
  • For less active entertainment, there is no shortage of shopping in Barcelona- tons of leather and woolen shops on the Ramblas. You can also drop some serious coin at a couple of shops that specialize in Lladro and Nao porcelain- they will gladly pack and ship it all home for you. I don’t know if they still have bullfights in the arena (I hope not) if you are into that sort of thing.

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