Colorado River Rafting

I am seeking advice from others who have been on this trip. I am debating whether to purchase a waterproof camera for the raft ride. Is the river calm or small rapids? I am going late in the season (September) so assume the waters will be calm with no run-offs from the mountains, and therefore can take my regular camera. I would appreciate your input. Thanks


  • Isn’t this just a gentle drift down the river?
  • The raft trip was very calm. No rapids. Perhaps because of the drought in the area for several years. I did not bring my Nikon digital 35 MM camera and wish that I had. My iPhone does a great job but I can control the settings on the Nikon much better. Plus I have multiple lenses to enhance the photography, too.

  • edited May 2018
    Just to be safe if you think you will be taking a DSLR camera or anything else you really want to keep dry, get an inexpensive (less than $10 for a set of 3) waterproof, roll top "Dry Sack" at Walmart to put the camera in while you are getting into and out of the "raft." They are good for taking your camera in the pangas on Peru & Galapagos too.

    It is amazing how "things" happen stepping into and out of boats and various inflatables. : )


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