The Sweet Life

HI -

Traveling for the first time to Rome. Any suggestions on what to wear to the Vatican/St Peters? It looks like no shorts or tanks are allowed. Wondering how to convince teenagers to wear khakis during the 80+ degree day???

Any help is appreciated


  • I guess by khakis, you mean long pants not just the color khaki. This is one of the times you have to comply or risk being refused entry, embarrassing and not making a good representation of your own country. Traveling to other countries, you have to respect the rules, just as we expect people to respect the rules of our nation when they visit here. Maybe the weather will be cool or raining on that day so it won’t be that bad. How exciting for young people to have the privilege of visiting another country!
  • edited June 2018
    Just ask them where they plan to wait while you tour the Vatican and St. Peters without them. When they give you that puzzled look, hand them a printout of the attire required by the Vatican:

    "Entry to the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Gardens is permitted only to appropriately dressed visitors. Low cut or sleeveless clothing, shorts, miniskirts and hats are not allowed."

    If they are inclined to push the envelope, remind them also, that the decision as to whether they are "appropriately dressed" is determined by the Vatican staff not your children, so it is best to err on the side of caution. Long pants or sleeved shirts that have rips (real or faux) or contain questionable art or text may be deemed "inappropriate" also.
  • They'll be fine - we bought our son a pair of lightweight chinos from Crewcuts. I am sure they won't complain - and every kid will be in the same boat!

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