Rendenvous on the Seine- 8/3/19

Traveling solo- arriving the day before. Anyone going?


  • my friend and I are on this trip arriving on Aug.1-Staying at the Tauck hotel
    From where are you coming?
    I am from Florida and my friend is coming from NY
    Hope to meet up with you at the hotel.

  • I am from Sarasota, Florida and lived in New York. Arriving Aug 2 also staying at the Westin. Also look forward to meeting you both.

  • Looking for something to do Aug.2 at night Not sure what to do- Night tour of Paris-I also heard there is a wonderful concert at Sainte Chappelle- am not interested in a dinner cruise since we will be cruising all week- any suggestions? I arranged for lunch at the Eiffel tower on Aug. 3 since I understand a tauck driver will pick us up at the Westin at 3PM and take us to the Sapphire..

  • We have no specific plans for the evening of Aug 2.We like to play it by ear as we don't know where we will be going during the day.
    We can try to contact each other at the Westin.
    Please give me your name. I am Barbara Reback.

  • Hi am Loretta Scheuermann. and live in Sarasota

  • Hi Loretta,
    I responded yesterday but it didn't get posted.
    You can contact me or my friend,Rita Fink, at the hotel when you get to Paris, and perhaps we can meet for dinner or something.
    If you want to contact me directly, my e mail is

  • barbarareback, 6:28AM Hi Loretta, I responded yesterday but it didn't get posted. You can contact me or my friend,Rita Fink, at the hotel when you get to Paris, and perhaps we can meet for dinner or something. If you want to contact me directly, my e mail is

    Spammers still visit the forums. It is much safer to use the new Private Message (PM) feature to pass personal info. You can access the PM feature via the envelope symbol at upper right, to of the window, to the right of your screen name.

  • Alan, Tauck needs to be paying you for tech support. I wondered if this new forum had that feature like the Rick Steves one does.

  • Alan, Tauck needs to be paying you for tech support. I wondered if this new forum had that feature like the Rick Steves one does.

    I wish! Gotta pay for those trips somehow! ;)

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