Panama Canal & Costa Rica January 18, 2019



  • Did you get a temporary tattoo from the Enbera ? Ours are still there after I think nine days. Such beautiful people. Bought several baskets.
    You get a new tour director just about every day. The last two days in the hotel, we thought we would get the same director we had at the beginning hotel but did not. We thought it would be the same group of people at the last hotel as the first, but it wasn’t. We never really knew who was who which is why we think so many people were confused and when two groups met up during some tours, the wrong people wer with the wrong group. Yikes that’s confusing!
  • British wrote:
    Did you get a temporary tattoo from the Enbera ? Ours are still there after I think nine days. Such beautiful people. Bought several baskets.
    You get a new tour director just about every day. The last two days in the hotel, we thought we would get the same director we had at the beginning hotel but did not. We thought it would be the same group of people at the last hotel as the first, but it wasn’t. We never really knew who was who which is why we think so many people were confused and when two groups met up during some tours, the wrong people wer with the wrong group. Yikes that’s confusing!

    Yup. The Embera people were really special. Yes we are both tatood. Have you watched “Medicine Man” with Sean Connery. I thought it was a medicine man experience. When I got off the zodiac (which we called ‘pangas’ in the Galapagos), and a little girl grabbed my hand to lead me up the beach ... that was special. Big day. I place it second only to ‘walking with the lions’ in Zambia’. This trip has had some lows, and some very good ‘highs’. So far the Southbound trip has started with the lows and has been progressing toward the highs. Don’t have high expectations for Panama City, so maybe we will be surprised. Today really made the trip for us.
  • Embera people were certainly a highlight. Unfortunately for most of us on our visit we never got a look in on more than a couple of children because they all flocked around the woman handing out pencils and stickers and virtually stayed with her throughout most of the time???? it was annoying.
    You will be very surprised by Panama, enjoy!
  • We are now in the Canal in perfect weather. Hundreds dof people on the observation platforms at the Miraflores Locks. Sorry about your ‘children’ experience. No one brought ‘gifts’ for the children so they were prettty evenly distributed and we had a lot of interaction. One younger woman guests took the ‘full body hagwa’ bet from Steve for $100 dollars, and then donated the proceeds to the village which generated a cascade of donations to the village via their ‘chief’? One of the older Embera girls actually went all the way to the zodiac with us and ‘pretended’ to try to get on the ship. When we brought pencils and supplies to Africa, we did not give them to the children, we gave them to the teacher so as not to cause the type of experience that you observed. Approaching the third set of locks, but now sitting in the observation lounge with a glass of champagn. Two hours of standing is about all my bad knees can take.
  • Good luck with your knee surgery. Mr B in surgery right now on his hand. Getting older is not fun, but the Tauck tours are!
  • Now in the Panama Hilton after dodging road blocks and the Pope ... took a while. We will probably figure out the TV controls and the telephone before we leave. (;-). Oceanview on 23rd floor. Nice hotel.
  • Sealord wrote:
    Now in the Panama Hilton after dodging road blocks and the Pope ... took a while.

    Told ya so! : ~)

    I'll be interested to hear your updated opinion after you've had a chance to mull it over for a few weeks.

    My SIL is on home leave from Afghanistan so the family left Panama City and headed for Costa Rica for the week.
  • edited January 2019
    Yup. We had a bit of a delay while touring around Albrook. Hit road blocks, and returned to the ‘normal’ route just in time to see the Pope’s motorcade cross in front of us and the traffic immediately opened up. Without the delay we would have arrived early ... great driver ... Hymy. Could proabaly back a double tandem. We expected to arrive at the Hilton at four, and we arrived at ‘four’.

    High points and low points. We had a great time.

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