Classic Italy May 20th 2019

Hi...I just booked my first Tauck tour and I'm anxious to hear any advice you can give me.

Also anxious to meet my fellow travelers.


  • jo128 wrote:
    Hi...I just booked my first Tauck tour and I'm anxious to hear any advice you can give me.

    Also anxious to meet my fellow travelers.

    It may be a bit early for folks to check in.

    I suggest you first read all the information in the "Before You Go" tab on the tour page, then spend some time getting familiar with the Forum archives (they are all listed at the bottom of the Forum Home page)- read through those for your tour and also the Classic Italy, Small Groups tour. That will give you a really good start and help you develop some good questions, though I think you'll find many have already been answered. It is a great tour.
  • We are going too and would also love to get to know our group. We are from New Jersey.

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