Classic Italy October 10, 2018

Anyone going on Classic Italy October 10? This will be our 2nd Tauck tour. We've done 3 Uniworkd river tours. We've never been to Italy before and are very excited. I'm interested in the Roman ruins. Any books that fellow travelers can recommend to read up on the Ancient Rome sights?


  • Anyone going on Classic Italy October 10? This will be our 2nd Tauck tour. We've done 3 Uniworkd river tours. We've never been to Italy before and are very excited. I'm interested in the Roman ruins. Any books that fellow travelers can recommend to read up on the Ancient Rome sights?

    More art and art history than ancient Rome, but try "Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling" and "Brunelleschi's Dome: How a Renaissance Genius Reinvented Architecture", "Leonardo and the Last Supper" by Ross King, "City of Falling Angels" by John Berendt (author of "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil")
  • Thank you. I really enjoyed City of Falling Angels. Will try your other suggestions.

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