Has anyone gone for a day trip??Can you tell me who you booked this with?
We want to be safe


  • You won’t have time to go to Morocco for the day on this tour.

  • Mosscreek, Hi
    Unless you are planning on extra days after the tour , you won’t have to much time off , for extras. Now, if you’re staying xtra days or going on your own, I do have an excellent tour guide , reliable, respectful and not to expensive that took me around to many places . I have all his info. Private mess. me and I will give the info.

  • mil -- I just tried to message you by clicking on your name in your last post (which is how I usually send a private message) and got the message "Permission Problem. The user's profile is private." Would you please message me so that I can then respond to you outside of this thread. (That happened to me recently with another person on the forum. I don't know what happened.)

  • JaimeM16, mil, MCD - I hope you realize that you're responding to a 5 year old question!

  • milmil
    edited July 2023

    Smiling Sam, no! Thank you for the news… I didn’t noticed 2018😂😂😂😂

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