Proximity of Four Seasons Budapest to where the river boat docks?

Just wondering if Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest is an easy walk lugging two wheeled bags from the riverboat dock. I realize that docking locations can vary but it looks like the hotel is close to the river. We get transport from hotel to airport but since I booked hotel separately from Tauck we are on our own for transport to hotel and if it is close it may be easier than finding a cab.
Thanks for your input!!


  • The Four Seasons is on the river, but it is a healthy walk from the dock area. Tauck did provide a van for passengers to the Four Seasons at the conclusion of our tour. It sounds like you booked the Four Seasons directly, but I would think that Tauck would take you to their hotel since they are going there anyway.
  • edited September 2018
    If Tauck stay at the Four Seasons then they will almost certainly take you, but you need to call so they have the correct transport for the numbers of people. If this doesn’t work then don’t forget that Uber is so much easier than taxis these days.
  • Just wondering if Four Seasons Hotel in Budapest is an easy walk lugging two wheeled bags from the riverboat dock. I realize that docking locations can vary but it looks like the hotel is close to the river. We get transport from hotel to airport but since I booked hotel separately from Tauck we are on our own for transport to hotel and if it is close it may be easier than finding a cab.
    Thanks for your input!!

    I would ‘expand’ my thinking a bit for planning purposes. There is an alert on this website about low water levels on the Danube. We did the Blue Danube trip a couple years ago, and they had low water levels. So instead of boarding in Budapest we were bused a couple hours up river to board the boat. It was no big deal, and it did not affect our appreciation of the trip. But, my point is simply that your ‘boat’ may or may not go to the dock in Budapest. So a plan to drag your suitcase to the hotel might involve a very long drag. I’m sure Tauck will take care of you.
  • We did Blue Danube eastbound last spring and I thought the stretch from Bratislava to Budapest, at least the first half, was the most boring section of the river we encountered. It was all flat, low elevation and marshy with small towns totally lacking any sort of charm.
  • Sealord,
    I got to get my wife in shape if she has to ferry our bags that far!!
  • Thanks to all for the info! We do not arrive in Budapest until Oct 20 so hopefully the river depth will improve by then. I always forget the Uber option...but that may be our best option, I will also see if we can get a seat on the Tauck bus, but certainly understand that this is not their obligation and don't mind going it alone if necessary.
  • Billy, in following the other thread about the bus, my research made me find that Uber is now banned in Budapest.
  • Thanks for the Uber update!!
  • Politically speaking, the government in Hungary, is becoming more and more anti-west, the EU has been debating sanctions against them. I don’ know the history why this is happening, but it would be a shame if the same thing happened there as it did Turkey and Tauck had to drop it from the various trip itineraries.
  • They have a “democratically “ elected strongman president who borders on a complete dictatorship with rigged elections and businesses being “bought out” by his wealthy cronies. Beautiful country with beautiful people having their democratic way of life destroyed right now. Hope it can be reversed.

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