Portrait of India, December 2018, Holiday Activities/Weather

For anyone who have taken the Portrait of India Tour during the month of December, please let me know if there are any special celebrations for Christmas and New Years Eve. I've been on several Tauck tours but only one during the Christmas holidays in Australia. Trying to determine if I should pack an especially dressy outfit. I know baring arms/shoulders is frowned upon; however, is it appropriate to wear a sleeveless dress while dining in hotel restaurants?

Does anyone remember what the temperature were actually like in mid-December/early January.

I'm getting excited as the countdown to India has begun and I received my visa one week after the application process was completed...the efficiency of that process was incredible!

I'm arriving December 19th in the event anyone wants to have dinner together or possible participate in pre-tour activities before the official Tauck tour begins.



  • We went on that tour 12/17-1/4/2015. I don't remember the weather but looking at my photos, we were all wearing short sleeves. The New Year's party was in Kumarakom in Southern India. There was a major celebration including the whole hotel. It was great. I don't remember Christmas, and as a guy I don't remember sleeveless dresses. Sorry.
  • Thanks MarvinF...Great to know there will be some sort of Celebration!

  • I never book a trip until I have researched temperatures for the region I am going to. You can look all this up on line and on the Tauck tour page.
    There aren’t many Christians in India so I doubt celebrations for that religious holiday will be normal protocol and your fellow travelers may not be Christians either so I doubt it is important to them either. New year may be more hopeful for celebrating than in other parts of Asia.
  • Hi British, Thanks for your response. I've traveled the world and like you, I research my trips endlessly prior to traveling. Sometimes the "feel like" temperatures are different than the posted forecasted temperatures. I've looked at several weather sites and there are swings in temperatures as much as 20 degrees. That's why I posed the question to folks who traveled this itinerary during this particular time of year. When traveling you recognize "normal" means different things to different people dependent on background, exposure, culture, etc. It's about being respectful of others. I respect the differences in my travel mates and welcome the opportunity to listen to different perspectives. BTW, I really don't care if the Christian holiday isn't important to anyone else on the trip. It is important to me and I will celebrate, in my own way, at the appropriate time.

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