2020 Rhine XMAS Mkts Dates Posted

I originally tacked this onto a footwear discussion but thought it would be better if it had its own thread.

The 2020 Christmas Markets Along the Rhine cruise dates were recently posted- over 2 years before the first departure!!!

A few things about the 2020 departures-

First you cannot reach the 2020 Rhine XMAS Mkts tour page on the Tauck website from the River Cruise tab (neither Rhine nor Themed). You must go to the Destinations tab > Europe > Germany > page 2 > Christmas Markets Along the Rhine - Northbound where you will find both north and southbound departures. Or, you can just follow this link http://www.tauck.com/tours/europe-tours/central-and-eastern-europe-tours/christmas-market-tour-rcy-2020

You will also notice, unlike previous years, there is only one boat, the MS Inspire (no MS Grace) and just 3 departures, not 6 (only two northbound and one southbound), currently shown. The Tauck agent I spoke with had no info about this. It could change

For 2019 and 2020 they added a land excursion from Basel (actually it looks like it starts in nearby Kembs) to Lucerne and Mt. Pilatus.

Also, according to both the 2019 and 2020 southbound tour page maps but not reflected in the itinerary, after visiting Aachen it appears you rejoin the boat further south/up-river in Königswinter, Germany instead of going back to Köln.

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