Any potential to make small alterations to Cowboy Country?

The Itinerary says we get the first Monday afternoon in Jackson on our own. Two questions:
(1) A major thing to see in Jackson is the National Museum of Wildlife Art. But it's 3.4 miles North of town on the road from Mormon Row. Can the tour bus drop us off as we go by? Or do we have to go to Jackson & take an Uber back out?
(2) Jackson Hole Historical Society & Museum runs one-hour walking tours of the town, but not on Mondays when we're there, and not in the afternoons. Any chance Tauck can persuade them to run one for our group that Monday afternoon?


  • edited January 2019
    Fred_PA wrote:
    The Itinerary says we get the first Monday afternoon in Jackson on our own. Two questions:
    (1) A major thing to see in Jackson is the National Museum of Wildlife Art. But it's 3.4 miles North of town on the road from Mormon Row. Can the tour bus drop us off as we go by? Or do we have to go to Jackson & take an Uber back out?

    (2) Jackson Hole Historical Society & Museum runs one-hour walking tours of the town, but not on Mondays when we're there, and not in the afternoons. Any chance Tauck can persuade them to run one for our group that Monday afternoon?

    On at least three European Tauck tours, stops were made along the way to let people off, so if the bus drives by Museum it is a definite possibility. For question #2 I doubt it, but you will need to give Tauck a call. Ask both questions.
  • Look on trip advisor for similar walking tours. Our tour visited the museum, which we have been to before. Uber rides are plentiful in Jackson.

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