Kangaroos and Koalas

Can anyone tell me if Tauck includes sightings of Kangaroos and Koalas on the tour? Thanks. We leave in a few days and want to make sure we get that opportunity even if we need to book something on our own. Any recommendations are appreciated.


  • On my trip last October, we saw kangaroos and koalas at Hartley's Crocodile Farm the day that we left Mossman and flew to Sydney. The kangaroos and wallabies just wandered around and people could pet them. I have a great photo of a kangaroo joining our small group and appearing to be paying attention as the local guide was giving a talk. People could have their photos taken holding a koala (at an additional cost).

    On our way back to the hotel from the hot air balloon ride on another day, we saw kangaroos by the side of the road -- maybe on a golf course.

    Before our tour started in Melbourne, I took a day trip to the Great Ocean Rd., and the bus driver pulled over and let us out to take photos when he spotted a koala in a tree across the road.

    I enjoyed seeing the animals in the wild, rather than in a zoo -- which I could do at home.
  • The tour is slightly different than when we took it, but I think they took us to a zoo near Sydney, I forget the name, where we could feed the wallabies and look at Koalas, but we could not hold them there, they are apparently very stressed being held and when they are they are rotated fairly frequently to give them a break. They are also rampant with Clamydia by the way.
    We went to the Crocodile farm too but no opportunities to hold koalas there. We never saw kangaroos or wallabies or koalas in the wild but did not really expect to.
  • On our tour, a koala peed on a woman's shirt when she held it :-)
  • Thank you all for the information.
  • I did this tour early last year. We observed koalas and kangaroos at Hartley’s Crocodile adventure and we were able to hold the koalas (and have a photo taken for a fee). And they do have “accidents” so wear something washable.
  • You will see Kangaroos and Koalas at Hartley’s Crocodile adventure. So have fun.

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