Luggage restrictions on Danude River Cruise


We're scheduled to take the Danube River Cruise this summer. I understand the boat can accommodate a maximum of 1 large suitcase per person per cabin. My wife informs me that doesn't work for her. What will they do if we arrive with more pieces?



  • We were on the Ms. Joy and there is plenary of room for more suitcases. There was underbed and closet storage in our cabin. Take what you need to have an enjoyable trip.
  • The beds on the ship are platforms with the entire space underneath available for suitcases. We fit 2 large checked bags and 2 carry-ons with space leftover. We've had everything from a 150 sqft to 225 sqft cabin and never had any problems finding space for our belongings. After we've hung up our clothing and put the rest in drawers, shelves, the bathroom, etc. our suitcases are basically empty and can be nested. That's one of the best parts of river cruises is not living out of your suitcase.

  • 2-6-19

    We're scheduled to take the Danube River Cruise this summer. I understand the boat can accommodate a maximum of 1 large suitcase per person per cabin. My wife informs me that doesn't work for her. What will they do if we arrive with more pieces?


    They say well traveled people learn to pack light. While I have never taken a small suitcase on a Tauck tour, I take an average size and always have plenty of clothing and the suitcase is never overweight. Most people manage with one siutcase and it is what Tauck specifies for all sorts of reasons. I always take at least one change of clothing in my carry on in case my suitcase doesn't arrive, that has happened once and it was traveling through Amsterdam.

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