essence of SA tour March 22, 2019

My husband and I going on this tour. Arriving in Santiago two days prior, on March 20. Any recommendations for days tours from Santiago. Anyone interested in joining us? Staying at the same hotel as Tauck booked for the tour.
Danielle and David from Los Angeles


  • We were there this pasta November. We took a Viator wine tasting tour. Be aware the traffic in the greater Santiago area is horrendous, so if you are doing anything that involves getting to places by car, even if it looks close on a map it will take a long time to get there. We also walked to a museum of a famous artist, sorry, forget his name, I've just woken up. If you look up the Patagonia forum in November you will probably find my review. We enjoyed Santiago.
  • Danie, I was on this tour in January. I arrived a day early and booked a tour of Valparaiso and Vina del Mar through Tours by Locals. It was great touring Valparaiso's winding streets with wonderful architecture, vibrant colored houses, really cool street art and fabulous views of the port and beyond. Really an artsy town. This is very different from the the other stops in Chile.
  • We did a similar tour to the one "Golly Gee" talked about and really enjoyed it as well. We were traveling with three friends and the concierge arranged a private car for us. Lovely day. This was one of our very favorite Tauck tours. We would take it again in a heartbeat. We all got hooked on Pisco Sours along the way. (The national drink of Chile. Peru also claims it as their national drink but we have had Peruvian Pisco and didn't like it nearly as well.) Every day on this trip is a new adventure. Have a great time!!
  • Thank you all for the wonderful advice. So looking forward to this trip.

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