Leaving late July 2019...what season of clothing to pack? LeSoleal boat - dressy dinners?

    • Looking for some guidance with packing please.


  • Hi Dianna1. My husband, Jack, and I will be going on Le Soleal too, leaving Juneau on July 20th. We're getting in the night before, though, so we can relax a little before meeting the Tauck rep at the airport. I've never been to Alaska before, but from everything I've been reading, dress in layers since the temperatures can vary from very cool in the morning to much warmer in the afternoon. I'm bringing some capris and slacks, short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts, a sweatshirt or two, and a fleece jacket. Jack just read that Alaska has been experiencing some unseasonably warm weather, so I'll be checking the forecasts as we get closer to our departure date. I also read that evening dress is more casual than on other destinations, so Jack isn't planning on taking a dinner jacket and I'm not planning on a cocktail dress. Hopefully, some other seasoned Alaska travelers will offer some suggestions in answer to your blog. Looking forward to meeting you in Juneau. Happy packing!

  • Just remember that how ever warm it is on land it will be cooler on the deck of a ship.

  • I just got home from 9 days in Alaska (land tour, Anchorage, Denali, Mt Alyeska, Seward and a one day cruise on Pr William Sound). Temps were 55F in the mornings and 70ish in the afternoons and evenings. I brought one pair of shorts and only wore them once. Never needed anything heavier than a lightly lined windbreaker (on the boat). Bring an umbrella and rain jacket.

    Suggest you check your favorite weather site a few days before leaving to see what the weather is supposed to be.

  • Anyone going on the Alaska Southbound Inside Passage trip leaving on July 20th?

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