What kind of outlets on the MS Esprit

Does anyone know what kind of electrical outlets are on the MS Esprit? I was wondering what kind of adapters to bring?


  • Wow, the bedroom and bathroom look smaller than on the Inspire.

  • I'm curious, Cathy when we're those shots taken? That's exactly what our stateroom on the Emerald in 2014 looked like. Thought all those 150 sqft cabins were gone. And yes, it's a tiny room. Nice windows though which is why we've never gone for a cabin on the lower deck. Where it really got close was the cabin door, bathroom door and closet doors all opened into the same area. You really had to coordinate timing with your cabin mate.

  • Cathy, I remember your report on this ship and how disappointed you were. I reread it and saw you were in room 211. On the Inspire, we were in room 211 but it was much bigger and lots of closet space. The bathroom was a lot bigger with tons of storage and good countertop space. I was thinking all the ships would have similar rooms in the same categories. I’ll be aware of that if we go again. Your pics look more like the size of rooms mid range that they have on the new small ship boats, Such as Le Laperouse, we’ve been on both the new ships. While we spent little time in our room on the river cruise,, we did spend more room on the sea ships.

  • I thought it looked like before the 2018 renovation that got rid of all those smaller cabins except on the lowest deck (Cat 1). The change merged 3 of those cabins into two Cat 6 cabins - much nicer. That's what we've had for the last two cruises. Now the categories are pretty much alike across the river ships. The loft cabins being the one big difference.

  • We'd never been on any cruise so had no preconceptions plus it was only for a week which went by so fast. Very little time hanging in the room. Our vacations at home are camping in an RV. Believe me that bathroom is palatial compared to the one in our Airstream.

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