What are you bringing to wear?

I have been watching the weather for our 9/15 tour and a week ago it appeared it would be cold in the mountains. Now it seems it’s going to be much warmer. Has anyone else been watching the forecasts like me to guess what clothes to bring. The Tauck information says a light sweater or fleece so maybe that’s all we need. Any input from other travelers? Thanks much.


  • . Thanks for your input and pictures!

  • Just got back from this tour - it was wonderful! We wore everything from tees and shorts in Munich to sweaters, gloves, and lightweight puffy coats on Grossglokner and Mt. Titlis. Layers, layers, layers. Bring a backpack for your day trips, so you can easily don another layer or a raincoat (yes, we needed that too). Enjoy your trip!

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