Restroom Break on Full Day of Bear Watching

Just curious.... On the FULL DAY of Polar Bear Watching - Will we have "access to / take a break from" Bear Watching - to use a restroom somewhere? I'm signed up for the Nov 2019 Tour. Thank you for the info.


  • I haven't been on this tip, but on most tours, Tauck will have restroom breaks every 2 - 2 1/2 hrs or more often. On African game drives, however, that could mean "checking the spare tire." Trust me, you will have restroom stops.

  • I've been on 25 Tauck Tours so far. But the Polar Bear Day Trip looked like we would be in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for getting back!

  • Not been on this tour but been to many interesting bathrooms throughout the world, just keep an open mind about it. If it turns out to be interesting it will make great dinner table conversation.

  • You can also give Tauck a call. The agents always have more detail than the online and green book itineraries. Also consider Tauck's demographic- they are used having people on tour who, like me, have a maximum TBRB (time between restroom break) :D

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