Thoughts on this tour?

I am thinking about this tour in July. I was wondering what people thought of this one. How were the hotels, activities, etc? Welcome any and all feedback :)


  • Have you read the older papers on this thread? Re accommodations someone wrote a post about them in Aug.

  • @Claudia Sails yes, i did. One person did go into detail about the accommodations but I didn't see many in the way of the overall tour. I am curious to read some other insights about the activities and their enjoyment or disappointment with what was offered.

  • We took a Tauck tour that went to Yellowstone and the Tetons last year called Mythic West, that they retired. But they do other tours to the area with different titles. Park hotels and lodges are park hotels , so they are in no way five star and the service is mediocre, but you go for the convenience of their locations which is really important. At the Tetons, we stayed in a Four Seasons, but it was a long way out of town, lovely hotel, but when we stayed on for extra nights, it was a $30 Uber ride into town. Tauck uses another hotel in town which we walked into, it looks rustic in the lobby area, but it’s in town. We love the general area, we had been there with our kids years before.
    I only have one reservation. Our Tour Director was really sub par and past his sell by date, and well, lazy. the only one in our many tours we can say was disappointing and we made negative comments about him in our feedback. Several months later on another Tauck tour, we got talking to a couple who had taken the YellowstoneTetons tour three years before. It was clear in talking that we had had the same TD, everyone had been unhappy and first Time Tauckers were put off ever traveling again with Tauck.They could not believe the guy was still a Tauck employer. If you get this guy, it could color your enjoyment of this wonderful area of the country

  • @British thank you for your valuable feedback. That’s too bad about the tour director. I haven’t had a bad one out of the three tours I have done with Tauck. I have had a bad group though. That really ruined the experiences at times. Also, dining was unpleasant too. I can imagine how a bad tour director can put a damper on things as well. I don’t know if it’s even possible to avoid having that specific TD...

  • I wonder if it’s the same tour guide we had for Essence of South America. He said he did a western one during the summer. He was, as you said, lazy, to say the least. Initials MR.

  • edited September 2019

    I can’t remember his name off hand and I’m not at home to ask my husband who may remember. He’s at a concert In NY with son and wife and I’ve just got the grandchildren to bed. TD Told lots of jokes. I’ll get back to you if i remember. Thinking of doing Essence of South America, hummm!

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