New $1000 Fee to visit Komodo Islands

Just seen this news!
Komodo: Tourists must pay $1,000 to enter 'Dragon Island'


  • Has Mr. B checked on this with Tauck as well? Don't know if they will have a deal in place for their tours or take us to a lesser island. Considering this is a highlight of the tour that they promote with, I can't see them not working around this.

  • I spoke or emailed Tauck about this at the time. Apparently we don’t actually go to Komodo island but it is my understanding that even the other islands will incur a lesser fee. I don’t think the person I communicated with understood what I was talking about.they seemed to think I was talking about the possible closure of the Main island to tourists that was first reported and then modified. On our most recent tour to China, I was asking our guide if he was ever going to be leading this tour as I like him so much. He said his colleagues find it a challenging tour because of so many early starts. When I was telling him about the new charges he seemed to think that Tauck would never increase the price of the tour once they advertise it but would bear the cost difference.

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