June 3 or July 1, 2020-when to go on this trip?

My husband and I are thinking of going on this tour on either June 3 or July 1, 2020. For those of you who have been on this tour, which do you think would be the better date? Do you think it will be too cold n early to mid- June but too hot in early to mid-July? What other factors might influence your decision? Thanks for your thoughts on this.


  • I'm not sure that there would be a big difference in the weather. It also depends on whether you prefer heat or cold. It won't be really cold, but it could be cool in northern Europe -- cool enough for a medium-weight jacket. Both of my trips to USSR/Russia have been preceded by time in Finland and have begun in mid-late June. In 1969, I spent the summer in the USSR. My recollection is that the weather in Leningrad and Moscow, where your tour will go, was pleasant. My photos show that most of the time I did not wear outer clothing, though there were some days when I wore a sweater or a raincoat. In 2006, I went back to St. Petersburg at the end of June, and they were having a heat wave, with temperatures in the 90s. F. (Maybe it's global warming.) I found it very uncomfortable. I'd opt for the earlier trip -- but you might be better with hot weather than I am.

  • Although I haven't been there (yet), I suspect, like Scandinavia, not much in those countries is air conditioned. If there is a heat wave, it could be uncomfortable. Personally, I'd rather be a little cool than hot. You can always put a light jacket on, but your options are limited in the heat.

  • We've been to St. Petersburg twice in June--once in 2001 and again in 2013. The first time was on a land tour of much of Scandinavia and the latter on a river cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Although unfortunately neither was with Tauck, both were wonderful tours. The heaviest coat I took on both tours was a lightweight raincoat. Most of the time our pictures show me in a blouse over a tee or with a lightweight sweater over the tee. On the 2nd trip it was unusually warm to the point that there were sunbathers on the banks of the Neva in St. Petersburg. Our wonderful TD said that was unusual for that early in the year, which by that time was late June. Because we were on a temperature controlled riverboat, air conditioning or lack thereof was not a problem. I hope you have a wonderful trip. St. Petersburg is gorgeous with both Peterhof and the Catherine's Palace close by. Moscow was a very, very pleasant surprise. I picture it as being cold and dreary. The openness, the museums, the Faberge eggs, the coronation garb for the tsars, cathedrals and the wonderful GUM Department store with its Rodeo Drive type stores inside surprised me. You'll love your trip!

  • IMHO, June would be better because there would be fewer tourists.

  • I can't speak to the June/July time frame as I took this trip mid-August 2016. The weather was very pleasant during that time..Looking thru my packing list and trip notes, the temps were between 55-72 the entire trip. During the day I carried a light cashmere shawl and a light jacket for the evenings.I do remember Moscow being a bit chllier in the evening. This was a wonderful trip and Tauck had many special treats. Safe Travels!

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