
I just received our green book for travel on February 15th ( a little later than we are accustomed to) I was originally told no additional vaccinations would be necessary . Now it looks the CDC is requiring measles ( how would I have vaccinations records from childhood?) Also Tetanus and Hepatitis. I am unsure if I need to get documentation and get more vaccines. Help


  • edited January 2020

    Karen, if you are over a certain age, you likely had Measles as a child, I certainly did and remember being very ill. No shots for measles back then, we are so lucky to have those wonderful scientists who work on discovering vaccines and saving millions of lives. You can go to your Dr and ask for that shot if you are younger. Otherwise, you really ought to be having a tetanus shot every ten years whether you travel or not. Also, have you had the new Shingles shot, your flu shot, your pneumonia shots, again if you are of a certain age. Hep B is good to have when you travel abroad as you have been doing. It’s much easier to ‘catch’ than HIV And certainly if you should find yourself admitted to a third world hospital on your travels where needles may be used more than once and so on. You need three, but it would help if you can at least get the first one before you travel. You are not going to require proof of vaccination for any of these shots, unless it says otherwise for Jordan and Egypt with regard to the measles. Most of these shots are for your own good health and protection.
    Enjoy the tour and please post review and tips here when you return.

  • What British said.

    And don't forget to drop back here and leave your comments and suggestions, and answer questions. :) Thanks. We go a little over a month after you.

  • Thank you , have had all shots except hepatitis B... just was not sure if I needed to have written docs. Things are changing daily due to the outbreak in China

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