
Has anyone who has done this trip seen tigers while in Bandhavgarh National Park? If so, what time of year did you go? Were you able to get good photos or videos?


  • We were on this trip on February/March of 2017. We were lucky enough to have a couple of tiger sightings but it is pretty much hit and miss if you will see any. There is an abundance of wild life in both Bandhavgarh National Park and Chitwan National Park in Nepal. Here are a few photos taken by me and another tour member.

  • We were on his trip from Dec 15 to 30, 2019. We had great game drives in Both Chitwan and Bandhavgarh National Parks. The elephant game drive in Chitwan was quite a fantastic experience. We were lucky to have tiger sighting on three (out of total of five) game drives in Bandhavgarh NP. It is indeed a "hit and miss" type in the search of tigers!!. Other fellow travelers in other jeep had only one tiger sighting. In order to get good photos, one need a camera with telephoto lens. My is 100 - 400 mm telephoto lens.

  • Thank you both, so much, for sharing your fantastic pictures. I am all about photos and I do have a 400 mm lens. I hope I will be as fortunate as you two in my Tiger sightings. Clearly lots of other wonderful animals to take pictures of, so even without Tigers, it would be quite fun. MMC95120 - what is that blue bird in your first picture?

  • I see that MMC95120 has only posted the once. It’s some kind of flycatcher Mr. B thinks.

  • Hi, CatLover8, The name of the blue bird in the picture is Indian Roller. Have a great time over there.

  • edited March 2020

    Not unlike the Lilac Breasted Roller of Botswana (often incorrectly labeled as the national bird of Botswana. The kori bustard has that title :) )

  • Cathy and steve, The trip was wonderful. We were very lucky to have Mr. Abhijat Sharma as our tour director. He is very knowledgeable and introduced numerous cultural and historical facts to us. Majority of our group expressed that the main reason of taking this trip was to experience the wildlife in both India and Nepal, in addition to visiting Red Fort, Taj Mahal etc.. I have two comments on the visit to Chitwan and Bandhavgarh National Parks. Our tour date was Dec 15-30, 2019. Thus, the comment may be more relevant to those who will visit there in winter.
    1. Do not miss the game drive on top of elephant: One local guide told us to choose elephant game drive in the morning. He said the experience is better. I was worried about the dense fog in winter there. But he was right. Even though we started out with foggy morning, the animal like Asian Rhino, deer, etc. seemed not be bothered by the presence of elephant with human on top. We could get close enough to see them. It was chilly in the morning. Be prepared to bring jacket for the cold if you go in the winter months.
    2. Bring heavy winter gear (Parka, gloves, hat etc.) for the trip. You may need them in Bandhavgarh National Park during winter month. I recalled that Tauck booklet gave warning that Bandhavgarh NP can be cold and reaching freezing point early in the morning. However, our preparation was still quite not adequate. With cold, foggy weather and open Jeep driving around 30 km/hr, It was very cold!!! The local guide gave us rain poncho to shield the wind, but it is still COLD! I upload two photos during our China NP elephant game drive. You can see that we wore Parka with gloves. It was good enough for Chitwan NP, but not enough for Bandhavgarh NP.

    Overall, we had great time visiting there, despite the cold spot in NP. I think you two will enjoy the trip.

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