coronavirus - Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand Mar 2020

Anyone have any information?? We are a bit worried.


  • While there have been reported cases in each of those countries, the numbers are small at this time (less than 50 cases for the three countries combined with no deaths) and there are no travel restrictions to those countries. There is a map of cronavirus cases by country here:

    I would say the risks are very low. However, if you are traveling through China or Hong Kong, you should definitely contact your airline ASAP, since most of those fights are being canceled.

  • If Tauck has not canceled your tour, then they must have been given clearance that everything is good to travel, but it depends on your air route. I suggest you call Tauck, they do not regularly monitor the forum.

  • We are scheduled on the Feb 28 Essence of Indochina (Vietnam and Cambodia). While clearly there have been cancellations (the tour had been sold out since last March, but currently lists as available since Feb 1), when my travel agent talked to Tauck, they simply said they are planning on going and that no changes had been made to itinerary. They were unable to answer any questions about possible closures (all museums in Vietnam were closed for “sanitizing” for several days last week), changes in ontour flight schedules or changes to street food tours, Sites,shows,etc. My biggest worry was that the Tauck Rep seemed to have no idea That Vietnam/Cambodia bordered China!
    We expect that we will endure some temperature checks as we enter airports, hotels, museums and restaurants and will probably need to wear masks at times - not because we believe we need them, but because we have read that people have been refused entry to taxis, Tuk-tuks, tourist sites without them. Best case, we get a high season tour with low season crowds. Another possibility, we spend more time in our hotel and less on the streets of a Vietnam/Cambodia than we had hoped.
    Our fears are less about being infected and more about the situation changing while we are there - either being unable to cross a border or being quarantined on trying to return home. However, what is life without a little controlled excitement!

  • There's a lot of irrationality going on re the virus. I am scheduled on a Caribb cruise in March with a group of people. A friend of mine, whose wife has a Chinese passport and green card (but hasn't been to China in several years), was told she can't go (Royal Caribb).

  • I guess she may not be able to get back in the US if a border agent doesn’t understand things correctly. That’s such a sha,e though.

  • Royal Caribbean has banned all persons with Chinese passport. Not sure for how long.

  • Lucinjo - your post bothers me regarding the Tauck reps responses. I would have expected them to be “all over this”, briefed to the highest level and able to answer any and all questions. Maybe try again, hopefully that was just an anomaly.

  • Hi JohnF and Lucinjo,

    Thank you both for your comments. Firstly, I'd like to apologize that our Tauck rep did not address your Coronavirus concerns. The health and safety of all our guests are our highest priorities.

    We know the Coronavirus virus is on many people’s mind and the news of the impact of the virus is ever changing. Please be assured we have a dedicated global response team that is monitoring the situation very closely in the home office as well as teams "in-country" who are constantly monitoring and reporting back.

    Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any additional questions or concerns. I can be reached via email at


  • Anyone traveling on 2/24 trip to Vietnam,Cambodia and Thailand?We are concerned about COVID 19.However there seems to be no increased travel alerts from the State Department for these countries.We are taking some masks as well as flu meds for symptoms and leave the rest to God!

  • The only thing I would add to your list are disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer. Wipe down plane/coach seats, arm rests and rails. Use in rooms especially on remotes, faucet handles. Use hand sanitizer after using hand rails on staircases, after taxi rides, or wherever else hand washing is not convenient.
    Have a great trip!

  • Thanks Lucinjo.Your recommendations apply to all travel regardless of COVID-19.

  • We just returned from this trip and please do not cancel - we did not feel scared or worried at all. The only place we chose to wear masks were passing through the airports. The tourism is so low but that was a huge benefit for our group. This trip is amazing. Be prepared for the heat in Cambodia and Thailand. Hotels were awesome!!! DONT CANCEL!

  • Thanks honey9103!Leaving tomorrow!Was hoping for some one from recent trip to post their views!

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