Amsterdam to Milan River Cruise on May 6th ?

Was wondering if anyone else was scheduled for this trip. Not sure how safe Milan will be in mid May ? I guess no one does at this point. Just reaching out for input 😎


  • We're scheduled for May 4th Amsterdam to Milan. We've been to so many discussions that we've lost track. In one place we saw some comments from Tauck but can't find it again. I continue to be confused about what refund you get depending on who cancels, how air fare figures in, etc. We'd be disappointed but frankly happy if Tauck cancelled this and gave us a full refund or let us rebook for another trip within a year. Hoping we'll hear from Tauck soon

  • edited March 2020

    Go to the first post by Tauck Emily in the thread at this link:

    or go directly to the policy at this link:

    or give Tauck a call:

    -for those of you with very specific questions about the policy, or our ships and how they're sanitized, and similar, my advice is that you call the main Tauck number at 1-800-788-7885 or 1-800-468-2825 (either number works).

    (I don't know if they have extended Sunday hours.)

  • With the CDC and US Gov’t strongly warning against cruises for anyone over 60, I have to believe Tauck will consider this looming medical crisis and act accordingly by canceling upcoming River cruises until a vaccine is viable.

  • edited March 2020

    Hey everybody,

    In addition to implementing the new travel policy Alan linked to above (Thanks Alan!) our Global Response Team is carefully monitoring the situation. Thankfully, global travel still has been continuing overall with relatively few disruptions.

    Though we've already canceled our tours through April focused on the Veneto and Lombardy regions of northern Italy (such as Milan), we're also in the process of modifying other tours that only visit the regions.

    Once we've removed those regions from the itineraries, we are hopeful that the trips can continue to operate in a modified format -- more information about that should be forthcoming from us; if your scheduled Tauck travel is affected, a member of our Reservations team will reach out to you directly once more definitive plans have been made. (We're also in the process of making contingency plans based on a number of possible scenarios -- as you all know, things are very fluid and changeable right now.)

    We all appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime as we work through this. :)


  • edited March 2020

    Trex, once again, you cannot make assumptions that everyone who travels with Tauck wants their tours canceled. If you don’t feel happy going, you can just cancel. For those of us who prefer to wait it out, we will. And I am sure that is why Tauck is being hesitant in canceling everything. After all, it might be those very people who do continue to travel with Tauck who helps keep the company afloat in these very difficult circumstances.

  • British, I want very much for this to go away and take my aging parents on this trip to my father’s native Italy. I am deeply saddened by this turn of events that no one saw coming.

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