Come on guys, you are jumping the gun! Wait til I open the round so we aren't flooded with random entries. Thanks. I'll open Round #3 #4 in a few minutes.
No problem, back on track. I just didn't want two or three different entries showing up at the same time with the same Round #'s.
Note: AlanS, BKMD, Smiling Sam, JohnS must wait for the appropriate number of Rounds to be completed before they can submit another entry. If entries dwindle, I'll re-evaluate.
Google is your friend. I get side tracked, probably way too often, but learn so much more, about a lot of things, before I finally get back to my original question!
And for extra credit, name 2 famous benefactors of the building who helped renovate and maintain it.
The Dohány Street Synagogue located in Budapest, Hungary. It looked familiar from a trip I took to Budapest.
Wow, that was fast. How about the extra credit question?
Come on guys, you are jumping the gun! Wait til I open the round so we aren't flooded with random entries. Thanks. I'll open Round #3 #4 in a few minutes.
I will admit I didn't know the answer to that question so I had to google it and one was Tony Curtis, don't know who the other one was.
The other was Helena Rubenstein.
Also, this synagogue is known for being the largest one in Europe.
Ahhhh, very interesting. Good submission.
Thanks, TM, and apologies to Alan for crashing his party. Won't happen again.
No problem, back on track. I just didn't want two or three different entries showing up at the same time with the same Round #'s.
Note: AlanS, BKMD, Smiling Sam, JohnS must wait for the appropriate number of Rounds to be completed before they can submit another entry. If entries dwindle, I'll re-evaluate.
Using google,,, not cool
Google is your friend.
I get side tracked, probably way too often, but learn so much more, about a lot of things, before I finally get back to my original question!