Paris on VE Day

We'll be on the Savoring France tour starting May 8, 2022, arriving on the 7th, using our gift of time, so we have some free time in Paris during the day on May 8 before the tour starts with dinner at Fouquet's. BUT, we just discovered that May 8 is VE Day. Will all of Paris be shut down that day? Cafes? Shops? Museums? Eiffel Tower?


  • RickS - You might checkout the link below to see what might/might not be open. You can use the site for all holidays in all the various countries.

  • RickS,

    Although historically significant, VE Day is not a major holiday in France. May 1, May Day / Labour Day, is far more important and a day in which virtually all businesses are closed in order to honor workers. You will not be impacted by closures on 08 May.

    Savoring France was our last Tauck tour before COVID-19. It is a wonderful trip packed with exciting excursions and glorious food. If you like escargot, be sure to have them at Fouquet's! Enjoy.

  • Smiling Sam: Thank you for your post about the Time and Date Website, I wasn't aware of this. This is quite a handy website to have. I learn about so many new helpful websites and apps thru this Forum group.

  • TimeandDate has other features- I use them for Tauck trip countdown timers on my browser homepage:

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