Trip to Iceland

We were scheduled to leave for a tour of Iceland on July 4, 21 with Silverseas. This trip has been cancelled and now we are scheduled to leave on July 30. Smiling Sam - I hope your trip is still on with Tauck.



  • Noreen - June 30th trip with Tauck is a GO! Can't wait. :D

  • Hi Noreen,

    I'm scheduled to do Iceland/Svalbard with Silversea in June 2022. Is it possible to contact you privately to discuss this trip (since it's not a Tauck trip, and wouldn't be appropriate to do in this forum)? Just curious about packing, excursions, etc. Thanks, Shari

  • SGF - I am not sure how to contact a person privately but I am more than happy to discuss the Iceland trip with you. I will call Tauck tomorrow and find out how we can arrange this. It was a wonderful trip.

  • edited December 2021

    SGF - I am not sure how to contact a person privately

    Noreen, to initiate a message (Private Message, PM, etc.) just click on SGF (Shari's user name) in one of her posts above. That will will take you to her "Activity" screen. Towards the upper right of her "Activity" you will see "Message" to the left of her avatar. When you click on "Message" you will be taken to a "New Message" screen where you can type your message. The message will only be seen by you and your recipient(s). When you get a reply from her you will see a number on the envelope icon in the upper right of the main forum screen (you can see I have a message I haven't read yet.) Click on the envelop icon to see her reply (and all your mail messages including your outgoing mail.) You can also initiate a new message from your mail folder by selecting "new message" at the upper right of the mail listing dialog box. It is faster and easier to do than to describe! :D

  • edited December 2021

    Alan - Thank you so much for you help. It was just like you mentioned very fast and easy. I really appreciate it for I must say I had no idea how to respond to SGF. I am more than happy to help (if i can) with any questions.

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