Greece raised to Level 4

Aug 3, Travel and Leisure

CDC Adds Greece, U.S. Virgin Islands, More to Its Highest COVID-19 Warning Level. The CDC added over a dozen countries and territories to its "Level 4: Very High" risk list.

A total of 16 destinations were added to its highest "Level 4: Very High" advisory level. Countries and territories with the new designation are Andorra, Curaçao, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, Iran, Ireland, Isle of Man, Kazakhstan, Lesotho, Libya, Malta, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


  • edited August 2021

    I think the CDC has long lost it’s credibility. On our last adventure we visited Sint Maarten three times. Just to fly into the place you need to be fully vaccinated, have a covid PCR test within 72 hours, upload your documents to their website, and receive an entry permit. You must also have covid insurance. Prior to and during our cruises we were tested for covid seven times … three PCR’s and four antigen tests. After arrival in Sint Maarten we also had to present the same documents to check into the Sonesta Maho Beach … where everyone was vaccinated and tested, and on our ship … where everyone was vaccinated and tested. The general population may be having covid problems, but they are working very hard to protect their tourism.

    They were very efficient in the entry process. After getting off the plane they had everyone lined up, and in order to proceed to the check points you had to have your documents in your hand. We were in our hotel room about an hour after landing. At SFO it can take that long just to get your luggage.

  • edited August 2021

    There are way too many hassles to travel internationally right now and it is not worth it to us. As much as we want to do this trip and other 2021 trips we are waiting until 2022 (March) for our Egypt trip and that will be our third try for that trip. If the hassles continue unabated in 2022 we would consider cancelling that trip yet again.

  • VT’s. I hope my post above did not give an over severe ‘hassle’ picture. We had a blast on this trip … and compared to the fun we had, the hassles were a minor inconvenience. There are always a few who will complain. Our itinerary was totally changed, and a few were unhappy about not going to the BVI. But, most could care less where we went … we were traveling. We went to Barbados, St. Lucia, Antigua, and Sint Maarten with two different ports in St. Lucia and Antigua. The ship was full (half full) of very happy crew and guests. We can’t wait to get ‘on the road again’ in two weeks. The crew were clearly ecstatic to be back to work.
    Dining in Sint Maarten and the Sonesta Maho Beach.

  • Virginia_Travelers
    There are way too many hassles to travel internationally right now and it is not worth it to us. As much as we want to do this trip and >other 2021 trips we are waiting until 2022

    I agree 100% and am doing the same. First trip is Japan in 4/22, then Egypt starting 10/22.

    But, most could care less where we went …

    Sealord, FYI, the correct use of your expression is couldn't care less..." Your syntax is contradictory. .Class dismissed.

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