what to wear for September

It looks like our trip to London and Paris and cruising the Seine is going to happen for September 2021! I was wondering if anyone had been on this trip right before covid hit to tell me what the food is like on the river cruise and what type of clothes would be appropriate for the trip?


  • We did the Seine cruise a few years ago in Jun/Jul during a heat wave so one would hope that you'll have much cooler, though likely damper weather than we had. Normandy is noted for cool, wet weather. Lots of souvenirs making a joke of this. Sep temps mostly in the 60s and 70s. We're suppose to be on the land tour there in Sep and that's what I'm planning for.

    We've done 4 of Tauck river cruise in all the the food on board is excellent and has only gotten better over the years. Our last cruise - Budapest/Amsterdam - they really did an excellent job of featuring local dishes. In the past, breakfast and lunch were a buffet which may have changed with covid safe practices. Dinner is sit down. Most nights there are options for starter, entree and dessert which change nightly plus the option for something simpler like a steak, salmon or chicken. There will be at least one night where the menu is set for all and has more courses.

    Clothing, other than allowing for weather (bring a rain jacket) river cruises are fairly casual these days. This isn't the Love Boat and you don't need an evening gown. You also don't want to go to the extreme of showing up for dinner in sneakers, jeans and tshirt. I think of it as "nice lunch out with the girls" apparel. There looks to be about 2 nights - one on board the ship and another for dinner at a chateau where people will dress up a little more. You could wear a dress, but also dress slacks and a nice top would be perfectly appropriate. If I've make mistakes packing its never been bringing enough dressy cloths and always been not being able to adjust to the weather enough to enjoy. Layering is your friend.

    Let me know if I can answer more specific questions.

  • London can have heat waves in September but be prepared for all weathers, hot to cold and wet.

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