Just returned from this cruise

The American Duchess was great, entertainers very talented. I arrived in New Orleans and the next day we all had to take a Covid test required by the cruise line. One person tested positive and could not continue the trip, the rest went on as planned, we later learned that the couple had returned home and the lady was asymptomatic, she was not required to quarantine at the hotel. both the land and cruise tours were well done and enjoyable, the food aboard the boat was excellent. We had to wear masks when the boat was in port and anywhere we had indoor visits, I'm so used to wearing a mask that I did not mind at all. It was great traveling again, next on September 19th I leave for Kenya and Tanzania, a classic safari.


  • Hi gladysorlando984 , glad to hear you had a great time and back safely, did anyone requested CDC card?
    Did the cruise kept. the buffets? was it at full capacity ?
    You will love the K&T safari , it is AMAZING!!!! it was my first of 4 now.... Africa is addicting.
    Have a lovely day & thanks for the info.

  • So a woman with an active infection (asymptomatic, but still infectious) failed to quarantine spreading her virus at airports and who knows where. Irresponsible, in my view, but unfortunately all too common.

  • What makes my a little uncomfortable is the fact that she got so close to embarking..... I would love to see all cruise lines requesting a PCR test, regardless.....

  • mil - There were buffets in the smaller dining area however you could not serve yourself, the crew had to serve you. The American Duchess required proof f vaccination and a PCR test before embarkation.

    Ken - I totally agree with you, was dismayed to find that they went home, who knows how many people she infected. I'm sure the hotel never knew she had tested positive as the PCR was given at another place as a requirement of the American Duchess cruise line.

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