September 2021 trip

I’m in JFK waiting for my connecting flight to Dubrovnik for the tour that begins on the 26th. When I checked into my first flight in Boston, the Delta agent wanted to see proof of my negative COVID test. She hadn’t read that Croatia would accept either a negative test OR proof of complete vaccination fewer than 270 days prior. Fortunately, I had both (being a belt and suspenders kind of person). She did recognize it eventually —after I told her and she kept reading the requirements — that either would be sufficient. She also asked for the Croatia entry form, so — a word to the wise: if you’re planning to take this trip soon, do fill out the form from the link in the digital green book.


  • Travel during these times does require attention to detail. All of the forms presented to us for our completion on our two recent trips were required and collected or inspected. Don’t throw away anything. You may need to present it again later. The Caribbean cruise was interesting in that it was our first cruise out of many where they did not collect our passports when we boarded. We were required to carry them when we went ashore.

  • HI MCD - we're on this tour next spring. Safe travels - and let us know your thoughts when you return, please!

  • Greetings from Zagreb, where we arrived last night. I’m very much enjoying this tour. My only complaint is that there isn’t enough time spent in each city. I’m very glad that I had arrived in Dubrovnik on a Saturday morning for a tour that began with dinner on Sun. night, so I could do some extra things (walk the walls of Dubrovnik and a “Sights and Bites” food and wine walking tour on Saturday and a boat trip to 3 islands for swimming (including into caves) on Sunday.). I’m really glad that we were able to go to Kotor in Montenegro and Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina, even though there was a lot of driving. We definitely could have used more time in Kotor. There is some spectacular scenery in Montenegro. There are 19 of us on the tour. Masks are required when entering and leaving and walking around the coach. Some people don’t wear them while seated, but many do. Masks are required in all public areas of hotels except when eating or drinking and in most shops. They were required in the Split airport and on the flight to Zagreb yesterday.

  • MCD - Did you take the sky ride up the hill in Dubrovnik? The views from up there are spectacular.

  • Yes, we did.

  • MCD, we were scheduled to take this tour in 2020, it was I think the first one we had booked that Tauck cancelled. We were so looking forward to it, we had booked it so long before then. We could not rebook it because of other tours we had already booked for 2021, but of course they were canceled too. Right now, we just have to wait to see whether our 2022 tours go ahead. It’s getting too complicated to think beyond those. We don’t really believe in bucket lists, life and opportunities change too much. We would really like to have the opportunity to take this tour again and tour feedback is appreciated.

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