Egypt PCR testing and quarantine procedures

edited November 2021 in Egypt

I just read this interesting article in UK's Travel Weekly from a day ago.

In brief it said, "Egypt was removed from the UK’s red list in September, and entry requirements into Egypt are “very flexible”, El-Anany (Minister for Tourism and Antiquities) said. The country will accept those who have been fully vaccinated, or who have taken a PCR test up to three days before arrival, or they can take a PCR test on arrival at the airport for $30.

However, the country has a number of strict measures in place should any tourist develop symptoms. “They are kept in the hotel, treated without any extra charges,” said El-Anany. “If it’s a severe case, they are transferred to the hospital and all expenses are covered by the Egyptian government in the state hospitals.”

I wonder what was meant by, "the hotel."

Anany said, “We’re opening the Grand Egyptian Museum, and in November we’ll be organising a huge parade in Luxor.”

That last statement is a bit confusing- from other things I've read the parade celebrating the opening of the Avenue of Sphinxes in Luxor is scheduled to happen this November. Other things I've read seem to indicated the GEM won't open until November 2022. :/


  • Anany said, “We’re opening the Grand Egyptian Museum, and in November (2022)

    Smart money would have bet on that since I go in October 2022. :'(

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