Queen's Platinum Jubilee in June

Her Majesty the Queen will mark 70 years on the throne in early February. Being sensible, the UK is putting off the celebration until early June to enjoy better weather. There will be a four day weekend holiday celebration June 2-5. So some businesses and attractions may be closed. On Sunday June 5 people will celebrate the "Jubilee Lunch" with thousands of street parties across the UK. So if you're going to the UK around then, be aware that there may be some closures and other inconveniences. On the other hand, it's the perfect time to revel in the monarchy and all things British. As an added bonus, the pubs have been given special license to stay open late, so you'll have plenty of time to hoist a pint to her majesty's health. :)


  • London will be busy, rooms will cost more I would think. If you avoid London and go to other cities, you should be fine. June is the official date of her being crowned Queen. February is when George sixth actually died. I think May and June are the best times to visit England.

  • She has been having minor(?) health issues. What if she doesn't last that long? :o

  • edited January 2022

    Then apart from anything else, you can expect the US TV channels showing nothing else but things about the Queen for days like they did for Diana
    I get fed up of people asking me if she is going to abdicate and in favor of William……that is not going to happen!

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