Excited about our upcoming trip to London-Paris on May 1, 2022.

Any other travelers schedule for this trip?


  • Hi, we are on the July 29th trip. Would you mind letting me know what West end show is included in the tour?

  • Not sure how it works on this tour but on the England Scotland Wales tour at the welcome dinner the TD handed out forms with about a dozen possible shows. You had to pick three you were interested in ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd. We found out a few days later which one we would be going to. The choice was different for each couple/family.

  • If you love theatre and want to see more than the shows offered, try looking at Westendtheatre.com for great ticket prices

  • Yes, can anyone give an update on what the itinerary actually contains?

  • We were on the May 1 trip to London and Paris. The West End show our small group saw was the The Drifter Girl.
    The trip was wonderful! Great weather and a great group of fellow travelers. This was our third trip with Tauck and we can't wait until we plan our next trip. It was as our tour director Chris said, " a wicked good trip!"

  • CTP - was your tour director from Boston? That's something we would say. :-)

  • We are on the May 15, 2024 tour, “A Week in London and Paris”. Is anyone from U.S. taking the tour. We are from Kentucky. Looking forward to meeting you.

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