Bella Italia Tour
My husband and are taking our granddaughter (age 19) on the Bella Italia Tour (June 15-22) as a postponed graduation gift. Are there any other families traveling with children of a similar age?
My husband and are taking our granddaughter (age 19) on the Bella Italia Tour (June 15-22) as a postponed graduation gift. Are there any other families traveling with children of a similar age?
We are taking our grandson on a belated Bar Mitzvah tour and he is 15 now. We have been on a previous tour with a boy that was 19 and he was the most popular person on the tour.
Actually I just noticed you are on the same dates as us. When I spoke to Tauck they said there was also a 17 year old girl on the trip.
Looking forward to meeting you😊😊😊
Our grandson is the youngest of 4. He has a 22 year old brother(university of Michigan), 21 year old sister(university of Michigan) and 19 year old sister(Michigan state). He is very used to being with older children.BTW they live in Baltimore - not Michigan - lol.
Hi, we are doing the tour on the 10th. One current 13-year-old Bas Mitzvah and one 15-year-old delayed Bas Mitzvah trip due to Covid. Is anyone else on this tour?
I’m not sure I would consider a 19 year old as a child, after all, they can vote and join the forces. Personally, I would chose a regular tour. We will be taking our grandchildren on our first Bridges tour next year, I’ve watched the presentations about some of the tours and feel that they are generally geared to children who are younger. If I was 19, I would want or be considered an adult. Just my opinion for which I expect backlashes to come.