Museum Options

We were on the May 22nd tour. There were just 24 of us on this Classic sized tour. We weren't scheduled to do so but Tauck generously took us to the Louvre after hours.

If you plan to go to the Opera Guarnier opt for the English speaking morning tour. You will be able to sit in the auditorium and possibly see a lone dancer like we did. Our guide told us that if there is a performance the auditorium is closed to the tours in the afternoon because of dress rehearsals.

We don't like being pinned down to a specific time slot. So, against all advice we did not get museum reservations. We had no problem walking in. the only exception was St Chapelle. We had to wait about a half hour. I understand, though, that in the late afternoons you can usually just walk in. This is a beautiful church. If interested, you can see how beautiful this church is in a show we made of the trip:


  • Oh my gosh! Thank you for sharing your wonderful slideshow of photos. They are so clear, and you've framed them perfectly. We are on the September 2nd tour, now you've made me even more anxious to go.

  • the moores
    June 23 in Normandy, Brittany, Paris & the Loire Valley
    . . . We were on the May 22nd tour. . . . If interested, you can see how beautiful this church is in a show we made of the trip:

    Wow!!! I'm speechless!!! Truly fantastic photos (technical and artistic) and post processing! How were you able to get so many without people?? Have you submitted any to Tauck?

  • The moores - Beautiful pictures !!!!

  • Wonderful photos. Now I know why you were carrying those extra lens. Glad the post trip, trip to Bruges was spectacular.
    Be well, Ellen and Dick

  • Thanks for the kind thoughts, everyone. Once I sent trip photos to Tauck but I didn't hear anything and sense that they prefer people photos. Speaking of people - Alan, my husband has a magical way of eliminating people in PhotoShop. Also, with covid fears there weren't as many people in Europe as normal.

  • Very nicely done. Always appreciate someone else's eye for composition. I will steal shamelessly for our next trip in September.

  • I was wondering how you managed so few people in the shots. Photoshop is great but you must be very patient with waiting for the right shot as well. The lighting is perfect, too. Your hotos are gorgeous. Some of those Bruges shots look like paintings. Do tell, what camera was used?

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