after hours at the louvre

Does anyone know what time and how long the after hours tour is for French Escapades? I'd like to go to the concert at St Chapelle the same evening and I'm hoping to do both. The concert is at 8 and the Louvre closes at 6. Can't reach Tauck. They don't want to hear from you until 120 days out. That makes it difficult for those who like to nail down the "big" pieces. Thanks for any help.


  • Yes, the Louvre closes at 6 but it takes a while for them to completely make sure everyone is out before the after hours tour group can start. We didn't actually get into the museum to start until closer to 6:30 and the tour took about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. It's a least a 10-15 minute walk to the Chapelle then you may have to go thru a security line (bag scanner, etc) to get in. In my opinion you don't have time to do both. The TD might let you leave the Louvre tour early but it could be problematic because the groups are VERY closely dogged by museum personnel.

  • Thank you so much Claudia Sails. I'm not sure the Louvre after hours will even be included in our tour. The written info says it will be offered "on certain tours". I'll have to make a choice and it will probably be the concert since I've been to the Louvre already. The d'Orsay is my museum of choice this time. Too much to see and too little time. What a lucky problem to have. Thanks again.

  • SE Travel, I did the Louvre after hours last May, and a few years ago I did the concert at La Chapelle, if you have been to the Louvre before choose the concert at La Chapelle it's worth it.

  • I think we'll do the concert even if Tauck includes the after hour tour. Thanks

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