Northern Lights

Although the Tauck sailing dates of June-August are not optimum, has anyone on this cruise viewed the Northern Lights? We eagerly look forward to the cruise and seeing the Northern Lights would be a bonus.


  • I went in early July of 2021. No Northern Lights sightings during our tour. That said, the tour was still tremendous.

  • We went to Iceland in July 2016 and also did not see the Northern Lights. On the flight over, the pilot announced some were visible but they were out the windows opposite us and we never saw them. Agree with Smiling Sam - it is still a fantastic trip!

  • Very hard to see in almost 24 hour daylight.

  • Didn’t see them either.

  • The best time to see the Northern Lights is during the winter, between September and April, when dark and long nights have taken over from the bright summer nights in Iceland. from

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