We have not done a river cruise. The space is limited on the date we are considering. Can anyone provide feedback on this specific room? We are concerned booking due to its location to the Compass Rose. Any feedback would be appreciated!!
I recently had cabin 201 (Category 4) on the Savor. I loved it! It was so nice to be close to the restaurant, lounge and lobby. I was not at all bothered by noise from any of those areas. A couple of times I did notice the smell of bacon cooking at breakfast, but that wasn't much of a drawback. I had traveled in Category 5 cabins before this most recent cruise, but I plan to book this cabin on future cruises.
" . . . A couple of times I did notice the smell of bacon cooking at breakfast, but that wasn't much of a drawback. . . . "
Cooking aromas- morning bacon and coffee, fish, etc. Actually, the cooking aromas are purely a result of the wind and apparent wind from boat motion. If the fresh air intakes are anywhere downwind from the kitchen vent(s) you can get aromas in any cabin. On big Navy ships like aircraft carriers where they cook and serve almost continuously to feed the large crew working in shifts around the clock, we often had food smells throughout the day
We were in Cabin 202 (which would be a mirror image of 201) on the Emerald last month, and we have mixed feelings about the particular cabin. I'll try to post some photos for reference. With the bed at an angle, it leaves NO room for any kind of a stool or chair at the "desk", but the bed corner is a bit too far away to utilize. The bed is a queen size (two small twins pushed together). The "pouf" chairs are horribly uncomfortable, and the little glass table is too small to do anything except gather junk. The shower is so small, hubbie and I teased that if they'd just put brushes on the inside of the shower, we could turn around and around like a car wash. But, you asked about the proximity to Compass Rose. It was nice being in the "middle" of things, half a staircase up to the lounge, and half a staircase down to the dining room. I also heard from shipmates in the back that it is noisier (and one said smellier) at the very back of the boat. If you are an early morning riser, know that the coffee machine is in Arthur's, at the back of the ship, which is a little jaunt to carry coffee in the morning. Our cabin always had a very slight sewer odor, but if we kept the bathroom door closed, it helped. They DID announce at the very beginning they were having a bit of a sewer line issue, but never expanded or explained further. No, I did not complain or put my thoughts in the survey. Let's see if I can post some actual photos of 202! Sorry abbout the sideways photos, I can't remember how AlanS taught us to rotate them.
We had the same room on the Inspire though looking at Brenda's photos, the bathroom was slightly different. I found the size of the room was fine. This was our second river cruise. On the first we had a 150sqft cabin so this was seemed much roomier. Also we have a RV so I'm very used to a small bathroom. This cabin was easier to move around the bed, access the closets, etc. The smaller room we had was a challenge when both of us were getting ready. I agree the chairs are not comfortable for doing anything but sitting briefly to fill out forms. I was bothered by the noise but I am particularly sensitive to that. My husband wasn't at all and he had not problems sleeping. The big windows are very nice.
It is very convenient to everything on board except Arthurs but that isn't that far away. Not only the lounge and main dining room are close but also the reception area and the exits off the ship to go on excursions. Lots of trips between your room and everything else. We like the Category 6 cabins but also book one only a few doors down from this one - 205 or 206.
Unless you're very noise sensitive, I'd recommend booking this one. If you would prefer a different cabin ask to be put on the waiting list. Passenger lists change a lot between the time booking opens up and the actual cruise.
Thanks so much for the feedback and pictures. We were concerned that two WC are also located outside of the restaurant near Cabin 201. There are also vacancies in 220 & 221 on the Ruby deck but closer to the engines, but 225 sq ft. If we were to consider these two cabins, the concern become engine noise as these cabins are more expensive.
I never noticed anything wrt the public bathrooms. I wouldn't worry about that. I would worry about engine noise. There's also stairs next to 221 and the ships laundry next to 222.
Nah, to clarify my earlier comment. Assuming you're booking this for next year, I recommend reserving the 201 cabin but ALSO getting on the wait list for a different category if that is what you'd preference. Your odds are pretty good you'll get your preference - especially if its a Cat 6 or 7 since they have lots of those. Go ahead and make you other travel plans - air, additional pre/post cruise stays, etc. Then if your preference comes thru, you just adjust your final payment.
Even before covid the final guest list on any tour changed before the start date and with covid things are even more prone to changing.
We’re booked on this trip for next April, sold out but we were already moved from the rear (near the engines) to 204, much more preferable. We’re also waitlisted for a Category 7. I agree, get on a waitlist.
I've been in many river cruises with Tauck and have enjoyed various categories of cabins, the 200's are my favorite for the time spent in the cabin, I wouldn't mind category 1 where they have the loft but I'm a bit claustrophobic so I've stayed away from them, have been at the end and at the beginning and never experienced problems.
October 10
Thanks so much for the feedback and pictures. We were concerned that two WC are also located outside of the restaurant near Cabin 201. There are also vacancies in 220 & 221 on the Ruby deck but closer to the engines, but 225 sq ft. If we were to consider these two cabins, the concern become engine noise as these cabins are more expensive.
Comment about the river boat "engines" and "engine noise." We were on the "Inspire Class" MS Joy on Blue Danube, in a series 1 (Cat 3 loft) cabin on the lowest deck (equivalent to the "Emerald Deck" on the MS Emerald.)
What is labelled but not highlighted on the Tauck MS Emerald deck plans is that the space aft of the 100 series cabins (on most Tauck river boats) is not the engine room, it is "crew" quarters. The engine room is one full deck below that and further aft, unlike cruise ships which may have an engine room much further forward. So, anyone in a 200 series cabin on the Ruby deck will be separated from the engine room by a deck of cabins. We never noticed engine noise.
The deck plan shows the engines at the aft end of the boat where they are mounted to the bottom (or double bottom) of the boat with vibration isolation mounts. The engine room will have significant sound and vibration absorbing material and you will never share a wall with the engine room.
These boats have a diesel-electric drive system powered by twin Caterpillar diesel engines which drive two modern thrust vectoring propeller units. Each one has two counter-rotating props for noise reduction. The boats also have a bow thruster. The thrusters allow the boat to move precisely and even sideways which helps it dock and negotiate sharp turns like you find on the Danube. (Gear heads can read more here https://www.ship-technology.com/projects/swissemerald/ and Google Veth-Z-Drive.) Veth also makes the state-of-the-art L-Drive that is on Schylla/Tauck's new MS Adorinha used on the Douro.
The noise you may hear or think you hear could actually be vibrations you feel. Vibrations can be transmitted quite a distance through the steel structure of the boat. The source can be from any of the following- the engines, drive unit, propellers, air blowers that bring air into the engine and engine compartment and remove exhaust, electrical generators, etc. but most likely, only if there is a problem. With diesel electric drive, the engines rarely change RPM. I could sense when we changed speed or direction, however, but not by any noise or vibration.
And finally, if you hear engine noise your are (1) spending too much time in your cabin or (2) not enjoying touring enough and therefore not tired enough to sleep soundly!
We have done two river cruises, both in Cat 3 loft staterooms. Last month on the Grace we experienced some vibrations which I thought might be a damaged prop, but a day later the vibrations were gone. I thought that perhaps they did not have the props properly synchronized, which might cause ‘wow and flutter’, but I don’t have Alan’s knowledge of the subject.
I'm of the belief that no cabin is 100% free of noises especially if the ship is traveling overnight (which they often do) and are going through locks. If you're a sound sleeper and/or have hearing loss you have an advantage.
We have done three river cruises and we just love Category 7. It is a close walk to Arthur's restaurant and it has a very nice sitting area and also has a lovely French balcony with enormous windows. It is lovely to just relax when one returns from the excursions. We have it again next year when we cruise on the Seine. It is more expensive but worth it! Also, you receive shipboard credit ($200) and can be used onboard for spa services, gift shop purchases, etc
We are finishing up in this tour as I type. It’s a fabulous tour. We were in category 7 (307) which if you can swing it and get wait listed I would highly recommend. Our cabin was great. Everything larger including walk in closet. Also view from this level amazing. In terms of engine noise I would be concerned much about this as the ship only cruises whike you sleep one or two nights. One of those nights it was difficult to sleep as we passed through so many locks. Guessing it didn’t matter which cabin you were in as you could hear and feel the lock stops. Not a big deal. Just mentioning. Since you are on boat for 9 days I would push for better cabin in case you want to hang out in cabin cabin in community spaces. We had breakfast delivered to our cabin and found it wonderful with lots of room
And great views.
The shipboard credit on two of our trips was 100 euros but on the Rhine and Moselle it was 200 euros. I think it was because it was a much longer cruise. The Rhine and Moselle was the last cruise so I think I had the 200 on my mind.
Noreen - interesting. For this Escapade tour, it’s 100€…9 nights on the riverboat. The Rhine and Moselle tour now shows 150€. Good to know it’s not standard across all the trips.
We are on the last sailing of the Rhine Enchantment this month. I doubt that the €100 stateroom credit will get us much anymore. Maybe a couple of trinkets and a baseball cap from the gift shop.
Okay, you guys are cracking me up. I freely admit that we all have our own money spending priorities and if a suite with a walk in closet, breakfast room service and a sofa to sit on improve your enjoyment of a cruise -- go for it. We've done our last 2 cruises in a Cat 6 cabin on the Ruby deck. That includes the 15 day Budapest to Amsterdam. Plenty of room to move around, lots of storage, loads of windows. The chairs leave a bit to be desired comfort wise and breakfast in bed only happens if I do a run down to Arthurs. Not ideal but then the delta between a Tauck Cat 6 and Cat 7 cabin ranges from $500 per person to an eye watering $1700 pp on the Grand European cruise. What we saved on our Budapest/Amsterdam tour easily paid for 3 extra days in Amsterdam even if we'd opted for the Tauck hotel.
Again, what's worth it to one person might not be to another so if you want to spend it on a suite I wish you joy. Sincerely. However, get real about the stateroom credit. Even at the least costly room price delta ($1000 for a couple) I can get a heck of a lot of laundry done plus probably a massage, some jewelry from the boutique, etc.
I’m certainly not doing it for the credit. We’ve always stayed in a category 6 cabin. For the Christmas Markets trips, the cost to upgrade to a Category 7 was less than $300/pp. We’re doing two back to back, going to be gone about 18 days so we’re treating ourselves for such a long trip. I consider a category 7 based on the length of the trip. Plus I have a husband who travels kicking and screaming so anything to sweeten the pot is worth it for me. To each her own.
I’m glad so many of you love your Cats 6 & 7 cuz we love the loft staterooms. All three couples in our group were in the loft staterooms on the Rhine trip. Previously, our friends were in Cat7, and we were in the Cat 3 loft. You want windows, how about one and a half decks of windows some of which open, and all window treatments have remote controls from the bed or the loft. It took me two cruises before I found the button that raises the TV screen, and that was an accident. But, no walk in closet, no ironing board and iron, no breakfast in bed … we did just fine. We spend most of our free time onboard in the shade on the sundeck, or in the bubbleless hot tub.
We will be lofting in December! I like the drawers and storage in the TV credenza- a great guy place to throw your stuff before dashing off to dinner. Sealord, maybe we spent too much time in gray or light green staterooms with numbers on everything (03-67-5-L) and bunk beds?!?!?
Thank goodness we all love different things or it would be even more problems for Tauck…For a start, you’d never get me on an Xmas markets cruise. Breakfast in bed is when you are too ill to get out of bed. Loft room, no not for me, I like everything on the same level 🤪
I recently had cabin 201 (Category 4) on the Savor. I loved it! It was so nice to be close to the restaurant, lounge and lobby. I was not at all bothered by noise from any of those areas. A couple of times I did notice the smell of bacon cooking at breakfast, but that wasn't much of a drawback. I had traveled in Category 5 cabins before this most recent cruise, but I plan to book this cabin on future cruises.
Cooking aromas- morning bacon and coffee, fish, etc.
Actually, the cooking aromas are purely a result of the wind and apparent wind from boat motion. If the fresh air intakes are anywhere downwind from the kitchen vent(s) you can get aromas in any cabin. On big Navy ships like aircraft carriers where they cook and serve almost continuously to feed the large crew working in shifts around the clock, we often had food smells throughout the day 

We were in Cabin 202 (which would be a mirror image of 201) on the Emerald last month, and we have mixed feelings about the particular cabin. I'll try to post some photos for reference. With the bed at an angle, it leaves NO room for any kind of a stool or chair at the "desk", but the bed corner is a bit too far away to utilize. The bed is a queen size (two small twins pushed together). The "pouf" chairs are horribly uncomfortable, and the little glass table is too small to do anything except gather junk. The shower is so small, hubbie and I teased that if they'd just put brushes on the inside of the shower, we could turn around and around like a car wash. But, you asked about the proximity to Compass Rose. It was nice being in the "middle" of things, half a staircase up to the lounge, and half a staircase down to the dining room. I also heard from shipmates in the back that it is noisier (and one said smellier) at the very back of the boat. If you are an early morning riser, know that the coffee machine is in Arthur's, at the back of the ship, which is a little jaunt to carry coffee in the morning. Our cabin always had a very slight sewer odor, but if we kept the bathroom door closed, it helped. They DID announce at the very beginning they were having a bit of a sewer line issue, but never expanded or explained further. No, I did not complain or put my thoughts in the survey. Let's see if I can post some actual photos of 202! Sorry abbout the sideways photos, I can't remember how AlanS taught us to rotate them.

It's interesting that Regent Seven Seas also calls their main restaurant "Compass Rose."
All I can say is, the pictures you show are rooms way bigger than you get on the small ship cruises, especially the bathroom.
We had the same room on the Inspire though looking at Brenda's photos, the bathroom was slightly different. I found the size of the room was fine. This was our second river cruise. On the first we had a 150sqft cabin so this was seemed much roomier. Also we have a RV so I'm very used to a small bathroom. This cabin was easier to move around the bed, access the closets, etc. The smaller room we had was a challenge when both of us were getting ready. I agree the chairs are not comfortable for doing anything but sitting briefly to fill out forms. I was bothered by the noise but I am particularly sensitive to that. My husband wasn't at all and he had not problems sleeping. The big windows are very nice.
It is very convenient to everything on board except Arthurs but that isn't that far away. Not only the lounge and main dining room are close but also the reception area and the exits off the ship to go on excursions. Lots of trips between your room and everything else. We like the Category 6 cabins but also book one only a few doors down from this one - 205 or 206.
Unless you're very noise sensitive, I'd recommend booking this one. If you would prefer a different cabin ask to be put on the waiting list. Passenger lists change a lot between the time booking opens up and the actual cruise.
Thanks so much for the feedback and pictures. We were concerned that two WC are also located outside of the restaurant near Cabin 201. There are also vacancies in 220 & 221 on the Ruby deck but closer to the engines, but 225 sq ft. If we were to consider these two cabins, the concern become engine noise as these cabins are more expensive.
I never noticed anything wrt the public bathrooms. I wouldn't worry about that. I would worry about engine noise. There's also stairs next to 221 and the ships laundry next to 222.
No noise from the WCs!
Nah, to clarify my earlier comment. Assuming you're booking this for next year, I recommend reserving the 201 cabin but ALSO getting on the wait list for a different category if that is what you'd preference. Your odds are pretty good you'll get your preference - especially if its a Cat 6 or 7 since they have lots of those. Go ahead and make you other travel plans - air, additional pre/post cruise stays, etc. Then if your preference comes thru, you just adjust your final payment.
Even before covid the final guest list on any tour changed before the start date and with covid things are even more prone to changing.
Truly appreciate the additional comments. We've traveled quite a bit with Tauck, but this would be the first river cruise.
We’re booked on this trip for next April, sold out but we were already moved from the rear (near the engines) to 204, much more preferable. We’re also waitlisted for a Category 7. I agree, get on a waitlist.
I've been in many river cruises with Tauck and have enjoyed various categories of cabins, the 200's are my favorite for the time spent in the cabin, I wouldn't mind category 1 where they have the loft but I'm a bit claustrophobic so I've stayed away from them, have been at the end and at the beginning and never experienced problems.
Comment about the river boat "engines" and "engine noise." We were on the "Inspire Class" MS Joy on Blue Danube, in a series 1 (Cat 3 loft) cabin on the lowest deck (equivalent to the "Emerald Deck" on the MS Emerald.)
What is labelled but not highlighted on the Tauck MS Emerald deck plans is that the space aft of the 100 series cabins (on most Tauck river boats) is not the engine room, it is "crew" quarters. The engine room is one full deck below that and further aft, unlike cruise ships which may have an engine room much further forward. So, anyone in a 200 series cabin on the Ruby deck will be separated from the engine room by a deck of cabins. We never noticed engine noise.
The deck plan shows the engines at the aft end of the boat where they are mounted to the bottom (or double bottom) of the boat with vibration isolation mounts. The engine room will have significant sound and vibration absorbing material and you will never share a wall with the engine room.
These boats have a diesel-electric drive system powered by twin Caterpillar diesel engines which drive two modern thrust vectoring propeller units. Each one has two counter-rotating props for noise reduction. The boats also have a bow thruster. The thrusters allow the boat to move precisely and even sideways which helps it dock and negotiate sharp turns like you find on the Danube. (Gear heads can read more here https://www.ship-technology.com/projects/swissemerald/ and Google Veth-Z-Drive.) Veth also makes the state-of-the-art L-Drive that is on Schylla/Tauck's new MS Adorinha used on the Douro.
The noise you may hear or think you hear could actually be vibrations you feel. Vibrations can be transmitted quite a distance through the steel structure of the boat. The source can be from any of the following- the engines, drive unit, propellers, air blowers that bring air into the engine and engine compartment and remove exhaust, electrical generators, etc. but most likely, only if there is a problem. With diesel electric drive, the engines rarely change RPM. I could sense when we changed speed or direction, however, but not by any noise or vibration.
And finally, if you hear engine noise your are (1) spending too much time in your cabin or (2) not enjoying touring enough and therefore not tired enough to sleep soundly!
We have done two river cruises, both in Cat 3 loft staterooms. Last month on the Grace we experienced some vibrations which I thought might be a damaged prop, but a day later the vibrations were gone. I thought that perhaps they did not have the props properly synchronized, which might cause ‘wow and flutter’, but I don’t have Alan’s knowledge of the subject.
The frammus was probably misaligned with the verjangle.
I knew Alan would offer a more expert opinion. (;-)
I'm of the belief that no cabin is 100% free of noises especially if the ship is traveling overnight (which they often do) and are going through locks. If you're a sound sleeper and/or have hearing loss you have an advantage.
We have done three river cruises and we just love Category 7. It is a close walk to Arthur's restaurant and it has a very nice sitting area and also has a lovely French balcony with enormous windows. It is lovely to just relax when one returns from the excursions. We have it again next year when we cruise on the Seine. It is more expensive but worth it! Also, you receive shipboard credit ($200) and can be used onboard for spa services, gift shop purchases, etc
We are finishing up in this tour as I type. It’s a fabulous tour. We were in category 7 (307) which if you can swing it and get wait listed I would highly recommend. Our cabin was great. Everything larger including walk in closet. Also view from this level amazing. In terms of engine noise I would be concerned much about this as the ship only cruises whike you sleep one or two nights. One of those nights it was difficult to sleep as we passed through so many locks. Guessing it didn’t matter which cabin you were in as you could hear and feel the lock stops. Not a big deal. Just mentioning. Since you are on boat for 9 days I would push for better cabin in case you want to hang out in cabin cabin in community spaces. We had breakfast delivered to our cabin and found it wonderful with lots of room
And great views.
Noreen - the shipboard credit for Category 7 is 100€ per cabin, not $200. With current exchange rates, that’s less than $100 now.
The shipboard credit on two of our trips was 100 euros but on the Rhine and Moselle it was 200 euros. I think it was because it was a much longer cruise. The Rhine and Moselle was the last cruise so I think I had the 200 on my mind.
Noreen - interesting. For this Escapade tour, it’s 100€…9 nights on the riverboat. The Rhine and Moselle tour now shows 150€. Good to know it’s not standard across all the trips.
We are on the last sailing of the Rhine Enchantment this month. I doubt that the €100 stateroom credit will get us much anymore. Maybe a couple of trinkets and a baseball cap from the gift shop.
We use the $100 credit for laundry.
Okay, you guys are cracking me up. I freely admit that we all have our own money spending priorities and if a suite with a walk in closet, breakfast room service and a sofa to sit on improve your enjoyment of a cruise -- go for it. We've done our last 2 cruises in a Cat 6 cabin on the Ruby deck. That includes the 15 day Budapest to Amsterdam. Plenty of room to move around, lots of storage, loads of windows. The chairs leave a bit to be desired comfort wise and breakfast in bed only happens if I do a run down to Arthurs. Not ideal but then the delta between a Tauck Cat 6 and Cat 7 cabin ranges from $500 per person to an eye watering $1700 pp on the Grand European cruise. What we saved on our Budapest/Amsterdam tour easily paid for 3 extra days in Amsterdam even if we'd opted for the Tauck hotel.
Again, what's worth it to one person might not be to another so if you want to spend it on a suite I wish you joy. Sincerely. However, get real about the stateroom credit. Even at the least costly room price delta ($1000 for a couple) I can get a heck of a lot of laundry done plus probably a massage, some jewelry from the boutique, etc.
I’m certainly not doing it for the credit. We’ve always stayed in a category 6 cabin. For the Christmas Markets trips, the cost to upgrade to a Category 7 was less than $300/pp. We’re doing two back to back, going to be gone about 18 days so we’re treating ourselves for such a long trip. I consider a category 7 based on the length of the trip. Plus I have a husband who travels kicking and screaming so anything to sweeten the pot is worth it for me. To each her own.
I’m glad so many of you love your Cats 6 & 7 cuz we love the loft staterooms. All three couples in our group were in the loft staterooms on the Rhine trip. Previously, our friends were in Cat7, and we were in the Cat 3 loft. You want windows, how about one and a half decks of windows some of which open, and all window treatments have remote controls from the bed or the loft. It took me two cruises before I found the button that raises the TV screen, and that was an accident. But, no walk in closet, no ironing board and iron, no breakfast in bed … we did just fine. We spend most of our free time onboard in the shade on the sundeck, or in the bubbleless hot tub.
We will be lofting in December!
I like the drawers and storage in the TV credenza- a great guy place to throw your stuff before dashing off to dinner.
Sealord, maybe we spent too much time in gray or light green staterooms with numbers on everything (03-67-5-L) and bunk beds?!?!?
Thank goodness we all love different things or it would be even more problems for Tauck…For a start, you’d never get me on an Xmas markets cruise. Breakfast in bed is when you are too ill to get out of bed. Loft room, no not for me, I like everything on the same level 🤪