Easy question - Arrival card
Hello, hope everyone is doing well.
Could someone please..., tell me how far in advance do I need to get my Singapore arrival card?
Also, Do I need a second card as I'm getting back into Singapore from Denpasar, Bali? and was anyone asked to get the 48h. Covid test, prior to arrival?
Please advise.
Gosh Mil I don't remember how far in advance I got it, maybe British does. I was not asked to get the 4th Covid shot but I had it anyway. Neither in Singapore nor Indonesia I had anyone ask for proof of vaccination.
What is the arrival card?We are going in June.
Hi Gladys! Hope you're doing well and that your Thanksgiving event was a success.
As I kept researching it looks like the arrival card it’s still a requirement and now it can be done online since immigration has gone paperless.
It does say about also uploading health records… a pain- So, I was asking to see what was others' experience and if they have any tips to share…. Wishful thinking 😂
Well, my friend.. if I don’t talk to you .. have a lovely Christmas, love, health, and lots of nice Christmas presents. Best wishes.
Sudhamali , this is the info on arrival https://www.ica.gov.sg/enter-transit-depart/entering-singapore/sg-arrival-card
Do check it and make sure you got everything before departure.
According to the website, the application must be done 3 days before arrival.
Thanks MIL! Will do.I have not looked at the trip yet ;just getting over Thanksgiving and getting ready for Xmas!
Mil and Sudhamali, I remember uploading the covid vaccine card and I received a letter saying all was ok, didn't have any trouble getting through immigration, they could actually see I had done it on line and didn't ask me for anything.
Mil I also hope your Thanksgiving went well, wishing you love, health and happiness in the New Year. Merry Christmas.
Gladys, HI!
after the eve & Xma's day I have the26th off. which it's perfect. 
Thanks a million, I will do a text practice... is the upload form attach to the arrival card or a different form?
My dinner last Thanksgiving was a lot of work, but excellent, totally worth it, food was divine, and we had a noise great time, now come Xmas...
16 again and tons of food-
Have a lovely Xmas, enjoy family & friends... take care and be Jolly ! -eat everything you can... we'll diet Jan.2nd
You are not kidding about dieting Mil, it can't be too soon. I don't remember about the upload form attaching to the arrival card.
I have 17 for Christmas, lots of cooking but it always works out.
Have a lovely Christmas !!
Merry Christman to you too, Dear